Wara, Michael, 472, 483, 486
Washington Toxics Coalition, 61
Wasser, Sam, 246–247
waste. See also solid waste
advertising and, 132–133
agricultural, 122
chemical, 127
consumers and, 132–135
in ecosystems, 121–122
energy generation and, 130
four Rs, 134f
handling of, 124–126
incineration of, 127f
industrial, 122, 132
life-cycle analysis of, 130–132
managing, 130
manufacturing, 108
matter and, 122
mining, 122
in nature, 130
nuclear, 439–440
per capita generation of, 123f
reducing, 130–132
types of, 122
fracking and toxic, 372–373
freshwater contaminated by, 266–268
injection wells, 373–374
in oceans, 266
purified, 260
wastewater treatment, 267–268, 269f
wetlands and, 268, 270f
wasting disease, 302f
access to, 263f, 277
conservation, 272–275, 272t
distribution of, 261f
harnessing power of, 460–461, 462f
for nuclear power plants, 435–436
recycling, 272
scarcity of, 262–263, 263f
shortages, 268–271
sources, 264–266
usage, 263f, 272, 272t, 275
waterborne diseases, 82–84
water cycle, 262f
definition, 260
in Everglades, 183
water footprint, 272
of fracking, 372–373
reducing, 273f
water level, 197f
in Florida Everglades, 194f
water pollution, 278–297
causes of, 283f
definition, 281
EPA and, 290
nutrient, 286
pathogen, 290
water resources, 102, 260–263
freshwater, 258–277
Water Resources Development Act, 191
watershed management, 290
hypoxic zones and, 288–294
watersheds, 284–285, 285f
Gulf of Mexico, 282f
hypoxic zones and managing, 288–294
Mississippi River, 284
water-soluble chemicals, 48
water table, 264
WCS. See Wildlife Conservation Society
wealth inequality, 15. See also poverty
climate compared with, 404–405, 416
definition, 405
extremes in, 409, 421
Weiqing, Zhang, 77
West Nile virus, 88
West Virginia
mountaintop removal in, 340–341, 341f
Spruce No. 1 coal mine, 340f
wetlands, 180–181
wastewater treatment and, 268, 270f
WHO. See World Health Organization
wicked problems, 6, 7, 422
wildfires, 197, 421. See also forest fires
risk of, 424
Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS), 253f
wildlife corridors, 232f
wildlife disruption, oil and, 370
Wilkins Ice Shelf, 407
wind energy, 109f, 453
drawbacks of, 454, 456
U.S., 454
wind farms, 454, 469
CDM, 477f
wind turbines, 450f, 455f
offshore, 453f, 456
Samsø Island, 450f, 452, 453f
wolves (Canis lupus), 158–173, 173f
artificial selection and, 212f
hunting of, 172
importance of, 169–172
near-extinction of, 160
Predator Control Programs and, 162
radio collars on, 160, 161f
reintroduction of, 162, 170, 175
tracking, 158f, 160
in Yellowstone National Park, 162, 169
Woodall, Chris, 417–418, 420, 427
woodlands, 197
wood storks, 176–195, 176f
alligators and, 187–188
as endangered species, 178
food chain and, 183
World Health Organization (WHO), 82
Global Burden of Disease, 277
anthropocentric, 16
conflicting, 15–16
ecocentric, 16, 17f
environmental ethics and, 16
U.S. environmental history and, 18
World Wildlife Federation, 102
World Wildlife Fund (WWF), 237, 257
worms, 88f
WWF. See World Wildlife Fund