Bacillus thuringiensis, 308

background rate of extinction, 210–211

bacteria, 88f, 282, 284

coliform, 266

Bakken formation, 360f, 362, 362f

upsides and downsides of, 372

Bangladesh, 68f

carrying capacity, 76

bar graphs, A–8

Barlow, Lisa, 7–8

barrels of oil equivalents (BOE), 453

benthic macroinvertebrates, 288

Benyus, Janine, Biomimicry, 12

beta radiation, 439, 439f

Big Sandy River, 350

bioaccumulation, 48–49, 48f, 128

biochar, 330, 330f

biodegradable, defined, 122

biodiesel, 112f

biodiversity, 218–237, 226f

climate change and, 424

definition, 11, 221

on Earth, 222f

ecological diversity and, 225–226

on Hawaiian Islands, 233f

hotspots, 226, 227f, 228

levels of, 225

local, 11

preserving, 238–257

protecting, 234t

of rainforest, 220–221

threats to, 228–233, 241, 242f

biofuels, 454

biological assessment, 288

biological hazards, 84, 85f

addressing, 88–89

biomagnification, 49, 49f

biomass energy, 143, 182, 454, 454f

biomes, 142f

in Biosphere 2, 146–148

definition, 143

distribution of, 145f

environmental conditions in, 146–149

freshwater, 143

marine, 143

resource use in, 157

terrestrial, 143, 144f, 145f

biomimicry, 12, 112

Biomimicry (Benyus), 12

biosphere, 142, 142f, 143

Biosphere 1, 143

Biosphere 2, 138f, 147f

biomes in, 146–148

biospherians, 140, 141f, 149

breeches in, 154

carbon cycle, 150–151

desert biome, 141f

design of, 146–148

goals of, 140

location, 140f

Mission 1, 148–149

nitrogen cycle, 152

nutrient cycling in, 149

oxygen levels in, 150

phosphorus cycle in, 152–153

Pinon Pine Tree Drought Experiment, 154f

as research tool, 146

biotic, definition, 149

biotic factors, communities and, 183–186

biotic potential, 164, 165f

birth control, 73

one-child policy and, 70

TFR and, 74f

birth rate, 164

death rate and, 71f

Biscayne National Park, Florida, 184f.

See also Florida Everglades

bisphenol A (BPA), 44

in aquatic life, 128

ban on, 58

bioaccumulation of, 128

cancer and, 56

concentrations of, 47

dose, 54

epidemiological studies of, 51

exposure limits, 58

medical conditions associated with, 44, 51

persistence, 49

safe exposure levels, 58

in vitro studies of, 50

in vivo studies of, 50

bisphenol S (BPS), 58

Blake, Dan, 114f

Blake, Steven, 243, 254–255

Bloomberg, Michael, 228

Boaz, Noah, 277

BOE. See barrels of oil equivalents

Bogotá, Colombia, 501

Boiga irregularis. See brown tree snake

boiling water reactor (BWR), 438

boom-and-bust cycles, 169, 169f

boreal forest, 144f

distribution of, 145f

bottled water, 133

bottleneck effect, 208, 209f

bottom-up regulation, 170, 171f

BPA. See bisphenol A

BPS. See bisphenol S

Brattahlid, Greenland, 13f

Brazil, population control in, 74

British Antarctic Survey, 25

Brix, Hans, 187

Brody, Aaron L., 58

Bronx, New York City, 492f

air quality in, 492

asthma rates in, 388f, 391

Bronx Library Center, 504, 506

Clay Garden, 490f

Concrete Plant Park, 493f

Cross Bronx Expressway, 499

Finca Del Sur garden, 500f

Hunts Point Riverside Park, 501, 507

industry in, 492, 500

tenement houses, 499–500

waterfront, 500–501

Bronx Environmental Stewardship Training, 504

Bronx River Greenway, 493f

brown tree snake (Boiga irregularis), 198f

birds on Guam and, 205–206

population control of, 213–214

spread of, 207f

Bruno, David, 133

Bt crops, 308

pesticide use and, 309–310

Bullard, Perry, 35f

Burgess, Tony, 146–147, 149

Burkina Faso, Africa, 300, 300f

agricultural technology in, 310–311

bushmeat trade, 87


environmental impact of, 101–105

green, 111–112

sustainable, 111–112

BWR. See boiling water reactor
