DALY. See disability-adjusted life year

dams, 268, 270, 271f

Grand Coulee Dam, 460–461, 464f

hydroelectric, 454f, 462f

Revelstoke Dam, 271f


data tables, A–4

variables, A–4

data tables, A–4

Davis, Donald, 322

DDT, 45, 45f, 93–94

bioaccumulation of, 128

residues, 61

dead zones, 284f

death rate, 164

birth rate and, 71f

cause of death, 92f

malaria, 97t

population growth decrease and, 70–73

debt-for-nature swaps, 253, 254t

decomposers, 149f

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 368–369, 369f

deer mice, 205f

Defenders of Wildlife and Keystone Conservation, 173

Defenders of Wildlife Wolf Compensation Trust, 173

deforestation, 220, 230

global, 232f

degrees of certainty, 35

Delfino, Ralph, 382, 387

de-manufacturing, 131–132

demographic factors, 68–69, 69f

demographic transition, 71, 71f

in China, 72

dengue fever, 88f

density-dependent factors, 166

population size and, 167f

density-independent factors, 166

population size and, 167f

dentritivores, 182

DES. See diethylstilbestrol

desalination, 270–271

descriptive statistics, A–10

desert, 141f, 145f

desertification, 421

Deshmukh, Shivaji, 260, 264, 264f, 275

developed countries. See less developed countries; more developed countries

Diamond, Jared, 9–10

Collapse, 6

diethylstilbestrol (DES), 54

dilution effect, 223

the dirty dozen, 333f

disability-adjusted life year (DALY), 277

discounts future value, 109

disease. See also infectious disease

burden of, 91, 92f

environmentally mediated, 91–94

global burden of, 87f

GWD, 80–97

NCDs, 86–87

pathogens causing, 88f

vector-borne, 82, 83

wasting, 302f

waterborne, 82–84

zoonotic, 87

dissolved oxygen (DO), 282

diversity. See also biodiversity

crop, 319, 320, 323, 337

ecological, 225–226, 226f

genetic, 162, 202–206, 225, 226f

species, 184, 185f, 225, 226f

DNA, conservation genetics and, 247–248

DO. See dissolved oxygen

dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), 212

dose-response curve, 54, 54f, 55

dosimeters, 439

drinking water, safe, 82

drought, 421, 424

ducks, rice farming and, 324–327, 327f, 334

DuPont, 37