Fair Trade Certified products, 77

false dichotomy, 56

falsifiable, definition, 29

family planning, 73

desired family size and, 68

Thailand’s program for, 74

famine, 303

FAO. See Food and Agriculture


Farman, Joe, 25–26

ozone depletion and, 28

farming. See also agriculture

contour, 328

crop diversity in, 319, 323

ecosystem mimicking in, 324–327

eutrophication and, 287–288

food self-sufficiency and, 325

monoculture, 319

Farming Systems Trial® (FST) research study, 337

fat-soluble chemicals, 48

fecundity, 164

feedback loops

climate change and influence of, 414

negative, 412

positive, 410–412

Feng, Wang, 66, 72, 75

fertility rates. See also total fertility rate

factors affecting, 68–70

falling, 72

future, 79f

in less developed countries, 76

replacement, 71


fertilizers, 318

microfertilization, 310–311

runoff from, 289f

synthetic, 288, 289f

use of, 320–321, 321f

field conservation work, 245

FINCA. See Foundation for International Community Assistance

Finca Del Sur garden, 500f

Finnish Ultraviolet International Research

Center in the Arctic Circle, 31f


forest, 402f, 404, 404f

wildfires, 197, 421, 424


mercury in, 48–49, 48f, 49f

rice farming and, 324–325

Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S., 215

flagship species, 244


coastal, 424

mountaintop removal and, 349

Florida Everglades, 178, 178f

development of, 186–187

ecological succession, 194f

food web in, 181f

human impact on, 180–181

rehabilitation, 191–192

restoration plan, 193f

water cycle in, 183

water level and, 194f

wetland removal and, 180

Florida Fish and Wildlife Service, 178

fly ash, 351, 351f


carbon footprint of, 332, 333f

consumer choice in, 333f, 335

cost of, 300

fossil fuels and production of, 332, 333f

greenwashing of, 332

imported, 305, 332

industrial agriculture and quality of, 322

organic, 308f

pesticide residues on, 319, 333f

quality of, 302

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 301–302, 315

food chain, 181

definition, 180

wood storks and, 183

food insecurity, 306f

low-tech farming methods and, 312f

food miles, 332

food production

agriculture and, 303–305

fossil fuels and, 332, 333f

food security, 301

global, 310–313

food self-sufficiency, 304–305

farming practices and, 325

GM crops and, 308

poverty and, 313

food web, 180

Everglades, 181f

matter and energy moving through, 181–183

forest. See also rainforest

boreal, 144f, 145f

mangrove, 186f, 188

forest change, global, 232f, 417

forest elephant (Loxodonta africana cyclotis), 248

human impact on, 243–244

as keystone species, 244

forest fires

climate change and, 402f, 404

North Woods, Minnesota, 402f, 404, 404f

Forest Inventory and Analysis Program, USDA, 417

forest loss, 420–421

forestry, resistance, 421

fossil fuel extraction

contaminants and, 48f

environmental impact of, 367–368

fossil fuels, 12

burning, 369

definition, 341, 362

deposits of, A–12

environmental impact of, 367–368

food production and, 332, 333f

formation of, 363f

Kyoto Protocol and, 482

reducing dependence on, 377

renewable energy compared with, 461

substitutes for, 107

weaning off, 365

working with, 369

fossil record, 210, 211

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), 79

founder effect, 208, 209f

the 4–2–1 conundrum, 73

four Rs, 133, 134f

fracking (hydraulic fracturing), 360f, 371f

definition, 363

environmental costs of, 372–373

ethane and, 379

impacts of, 374–375

methane and, 372, 374f, 379

in North Dakota, 376f

toxic wastewater and, 372–373

trade-offs of, 375f

in U.S., 371–372

wastewater injection wells, 373–374

water footprint of, 372–373

Frelich, Lee, 404, 405f, 406, 416–418, 425

frequencies, A–2

gene, 202

freshwater, 260

resources, 258–277

wastewater contamination of, 266–268

water distribution and, 261f

FST research trial. See Farming Systems

Trial® research study fuel efficiency, 155

CAFE standards, 484

fuel rods, 435

Fukushima, 437–438

spent, 440

“The Fukushima 50,” 440, 442

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station, 428–446, 428f, 430f, 431f, 437f

evacuees from towns near, 442f

fuel rods, 437–438

impact of, 443–444

radiation levels after, 444

radioactive vapors from, 442, 444

radioactive waste, 440

reactor explosions, 439

response to, 440–443

tsunami and, 430, 444

fungi, 88f

Furunno, Takao, 324–325