H2O, 150f. See also water
habitat, 142, 143f, 178
definition, 143, 179
structure of, 187f
habitat destruction, 172, 230, 242f
definition, 229
extinction and, 211
habitat fragmentation, 207, 228, 230, 231, 237, 242f
habitat loss, 237
oil and, 370
halocarbons, greenhouse effect and, 410
Handel, Steven, 356
Hardin, Garrett, 13
hasty generalizations, 56
Hawaiian Islands, 228
biodiversity on, 233f
Hawken, Paul, 100
hazardous waste
definition, 129
handling of, 129–130
household, 130
HCFC-22, 483
HCFC-23, 483
HCFCs. See hydrochlorofluorocarbons
health, human, 90–91
health costs, 107f
health impacts
of air pollution, 382–384, 386–389, 387f
of climate change, 419–421, 424
of coal mining and burning, 352f
of mountaintop removal, 349
heirloom seeds, 337
Hentges, Steven, 54
herbicides, 45
herbicide-tolerance (HT) gene, 308
Hermansen, Søren, 452, 461, 463–464
Hesketh, Terese, 72, 75
Hession, Martin, 486
HFC-22, 483, 485
HFC-23, 483–485
emission-reduction credits, 486
HFCs. See hydrofluorocarbons
Hicks, Brian, 287–288, 287f
high-level radioactive waste (HLRW), 440, 441
high-yield varieties (HYVs), 303
Hiroshima, Japan, 437
HLRW. See high-level radioactive waste
Hobet 21 (coal mining operation), 340–341, 344
holding ponds, 297
hormones, 53, 53f
endocrine disruptors and, 52
HT gene. See herbicide-tolerance gene
human communities, conservation and, 252–255
human health, in more and less developed, 90–91
human impact
on carbon cycle, 151, 151f
on Earth, 98
on ecosystems, 9–10, 83–84, 191
on environment, 101–105
on evolution, 212–214
factors in, 76
on Florida Everglades, 180–181
on forest elephants, 243–244
lessening, 77
on nutrient cycles, 155
on species, 241–243
humanities, 5
human population
age composition of, 73–75
Earth’s support of, 76f
extinctions and, 217f
factors influencing, 68–69
gender composition of, 73–75
IPAT model and, 102–104, 105f
in more/less developed countries, 68–69, 69f
resource use and, 76, 77
size, 10
in urban areas, 492–497
world, 72f
human population growth, 10, 64
age structure and, 67f
in China, 66
death rate decrease and, 70–73
declining, 72f
Industrial Revolution and, 66–67
projections, 65f, 79f
rate, 65f
throughout history, 64f
worldwide, 72, 72f
zero, 71, 74f, 75–77
human rights, one-child policy and, 70
human societies, sustainable ecosystems as model for, 12
hunger, 298–315
contributors to, 302
eradicating, 301–302, 315f
food production and, 303–305
malnutrition and, 300–302
world, 300–302, 301f
Hunts Point Riverside Park, 501, 507
Hurricane Irene, 445
Hvalsey, Greenland, 3f
hydraulic fracturing. See fracking
hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs), 37
greenhouse effect and, 410
hydroelectric dams, 454f, 462f
hydroelectric systems, run-of-the-river, 461, 462f
hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), 41, 479–480
emissions, 472
Kyoto Protocol and regulation of, 483
hydropower, 460–461, 462f
hydrothermal reservoirs, 459
hygiene, 93t, 95
hypothesis, ozone depletion, 29–35
hypoxia, 282
in Gulf of Mexico, 288, 292, 293f, 294
watershed management and, 288–294
hypoxic zones, 288–289
HYVs. See high-yield varieties