Carp Invade, Threaten Great Lakes' Ecosystem
Tom Bearden looks at how some Midwestern states are battling the threat of carp overpopulation, which is damaging the Great Lakes' fragile ecosystem.
Source: PBS NewsHour
Length: 6:53
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Watch the video and answer the following questions:
In an effort to keep invasive Asian Carp from entering the Great Lakes through a shipping canal, underwater electric barriers are being used.
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The primary way in which invasive Asian Carp pose a threat to the Great Lakes ecosystem is by consuming large amounts of native fish eggs.
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One potential solution which may stop the carp from traveling from the Illinois River into the Great Lakes would be to permanently close the locks on the canals connecting the river to the lakes. This solution is especially problematic to some because the canals and locks are
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The main ecological threat of Asian Carp arriving in the Great Lakes and successfully reproducing is that the carp
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Watch the video and answer the following questions:
What evidence is there that Asian Carp may have already reached Lake Michigan? Is there any evidence that Asian Carp are currently reproducing in the lake?
Asian Carp have been grown as a food source by Chinese for hundreds of years. Can you describe any plausible hypotheses why the Asian Carp that were inadvertently introduced into the Illinois River are not targeted and commercially harvested as food for Americans?
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