China Weighs Environmental Concerns Against Economic Growth
Special correspondent Jeffrey Kaye reports from Guangdong province in southern China on the clash between the populous nation's economic ambitions and worsening pollution problem.
Source: PBS NewsHour
Length: 8:52
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Watch the video and answer the following questions:
A case study that was used to illustrate some of China’s environmental concerns with a growing industrial economy was a large textile manufacturing plant.
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The use of lime in coal-fired power plants completely eliminates harmful pollutants from being released during the burning of coal.
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B. |
The largest global emitter of greenhouse gasses is
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The video mentioned each of the following as being an environmental cost associated with China’s industrial growth except for which of the following?
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D. |
A potential means of reducing industrial pollution that was addressed in this video was to increase the taxes on exported goods whose production is
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Watch the video and answer the following questions:
As part of an effort to increase environmental stewardship, The Environment, Health and Safety Academy at Sun Yat-Sen University, China trains business managers in order to change mindsets and help increase awareness of both the business managers and their employees. How effective do you feel community education is in addressing environmental problems? According to the video, how effective has the levying of fines been to enforce environmental compliance? With respect to fines, why has there been this level of effectiveness in China?
It has been stated by some interviewees in this video that is it often easier and cheaper for industries to just pay fines for non-compliance rather than comply with environmental regulations, and they therefor continue in the creation of excessive pollution. How would you remedy this situation? What role do you think the government should play in designing and enforcing environmental policy? Can you list potential advantages to private businesses taking on the responsibility of enforcing environmental policy?
Chinese officials have argued that the process of reversing past trends of environmental degradation, and reducing future pollution, should in part be the responsibility of consumers purchasing Chinese goods. Do you agree with this statement? What responsibility should consumers, such as yourself, ultimately bear in protecting the environment from industrial degradation?
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