Using ‘Nature as an Asset’ to Balance Costa Rica’s Farming With Preservation (June 10, 2013)
As part of the NewsHour series "Food for 9 Billion," special correspondent Sam Eaton reports on a push in Costa Rica to embrace forest preservation and biodiversity while keeping up with the demand for farming. Researchers are measuring the helpful roles of small animals like bats, birds and bees.
Source: PBS NewsHour
Length: 8:44
Click the Next button to answer the questions.
Watch the video and answer the following questions:
Costa Rica is recognized globally as a leader in habitat preservation and protection.
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Clearing habitat for agriculture is a primary driver of natural habitat destruction.
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B. |
This video and chapter 6 reinforce the importance of protecting ecosystem services. Ecosystem services can be defined as
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This video describes the work that Gretchen Daily, in her role as the Director at the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University, is doing to quantify “ecosystem services”. The video highlights each of the following as an important ecosystem service except for:
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Watch the video and answer the following questions:
Gretchen Daily makes the point that in light of the need for increasing agricultural output to support a growing global population, we need to value nature and view natural processes as an economic asset. Provide several examples, either presented in this video or in your text, of how protecting biodiversity can potentially increase agricultural production. What is the value of protecting intact forest systems surrounding agricultural fields?
Chapter 12 of your text cites a study done by Robert Costanza in which he estimated that the annual value of global ecosystem services to be around $44 trillion, or twice the annual gross domestic product of the world. From the video or your text, what are 3 or 4 other benefits, not related to food production, which provide value to humans, and are the direct result of preserving intact and healthy ecosystems?
The Costa Rica government is somewhat unusual in that it provides economic incentives (or pays) individual farmers to leave portions of their land in its natural state, and out of agricultural production. What is the benefit to the government which makes this practice economically feasible? Can you think of other money generating ventures, such as their tourism industry, which might benefit indirectly from results of this incentive plan?
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