Chapter 1. The Cost of Corn-Fed Beef


Video Case Study

In this activity you will watch a short video on beef production (3:29) produced by the Wall Street Journal digital network. In this report, journalist Matt Rivera visits two ranches in eastern Pennsylvania to learn more about their distinct approaches to raising beef cattle.

In the questions that follow, you will be asked to analyze the content and presentation of the video in relation to environmental literacy, as you learned about in Chapter 1 of your textbook. In addition, you will be asked to connect the video content to portions of Chapter 18 (pp. 321-323) and Chapter 5 (pp. 82-85), so be sure to have your textbook with you while completing this activity. If you are using the Extended version of the textbook, please instead refer to Chapters 21 and 4, respectively.

1.1 Section A: Analyzing The Video


Watch the video and answer the following questions:

Question 1.1

The video touched on a number of benefits and drawbacks for both conventional (corn-fed) beef production and grass-fed beef production. For each of the listed benefit/drawbacks below, indicate (circle or underline) whether the statement best applies to “conventional” or “grass-fed” beef production:

Benefit/Drawbacks Conventional/Grass-Fed?
a. Can alter feed recipes easily to use cheaper inputs MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
b. Requires a lot of land for grazing MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
c. Requires petroleum fertilizer to grow feed MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
d. Can raise more cattle on a single ranch MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
e. Cattle fatten quickly and reach market weight faster MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
f. Produces beef with richer vitamin content MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
g. Produces beef with higher omega-3 fatty acid content MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
h. Produces beef with higher saturated fat content MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
i. Is considered a less efficient way of raising beef cattle MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
j. Must charge consumers more to make a profit MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
k. Cattle produce the fertilizer that helps grow their food MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
l. Produces a more familiar taste for consumers MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
m. The main input costs are connected to harvesting hay MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
n. Rising fuel costs push slim profit margins to near zero MilrlFCr6r/HvQ+e5E3eTr0jjxJsq6RHT8PXSA/TvqJAlvoE
o. Cattle eat things that are not part of their natural diet xhJXgSn242MRnXYYBLNmstJBYMDKpM7pTl6PFUd8R5VXU2cO

1.1.1 Section A: Analyzing The Video (Continued)

Based on the information presented in the video, what would you say is the main benefit and the main drawback of conventional beef production?

Question 1.2


Based on the information presented in the video, what would you say is the main benefit and the main drawback of grass-fed beef production?

Question 1.3


Question 1.4


1.1.2 Section A: Analyzing The Video (Continued)

On page 4 of your textbook you will find an explanation and a definition for the concept of the triple bottom line. Drawing on this information, re-examine the list of benefits and drawbacks provided below and for each one indicate whether the focus is on environmental, social, or economic factors. (Note: you may select more than one answer where appropriate):

Question 1.5

Benefit/Drawbacks Environmental Social Economic
a. Can alter feed recipes easily to use cheaper inputs 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
b. Requires a lot of land for grazing 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
c. Requires petroleum fertilizer to grow feed 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
d. Can raise more cattle on a single ranch 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
e. Cattle fatten quickly and reach market weight faster 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
f. Produces beef with richer vitamin content 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
g. Produces beef with higher omega-3 fatty acid content 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
h. Produces beef with higher saturated fat content 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
i. Is considered a less efficient way of raising beef cattle 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
j. Must charge consumers more to make a profit 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
k. Cattle produce the fertilizer that helps grow their food 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
l. Produces a more familiar taste for consumers 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
m. The main input costs are connected to harvesting hay 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
n. Rising fuel costs push slim profit margins to near zero 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U= 01HLZqArCGkUahtK5DGSdmest9U=
o. Cattle eat things that are not part of their natural diet 5kH98pvC4n020ywme8UFOt42gk0= 5kH98pvC4n020ywme8UFOt42gk0= 5kH98pvC4n020ywme8UFOt42gk0=

Question 1.6

Add up your responses from Question 5 and give your final tally for each component of the triple bottom line below.

Factors Final Tally
Environmental Factors jGfOy7c+hqo4oXSHbZJv5m5Y1Il10Bet4C10f1RoHe8b/tW0N6kmvNmCBMNEGYVeKcOmRg==
Social Factors jGfOy7c+hqo4oXSHbZJv5m5Y1Il10Bet4C10f1RoHe8b/tW0N6kmvNmCBMNEGYVeKcOmRg==
Economic Factors jGfOy7c+hqo4oXSHbZJv5m5Y1Il10Bet4C10f1RoHe8b/tW0N6kmvNmCBMNEGYVeKcOmRg==

Question 1.7


Question 1.8


1.2 Section B: Taking A Second Look At Beef Production

For this part of the assignment please read Chapter 18, pages 321-323 of your textbook ("Some Industrial Agricultural Practices Have Significant Drawbacks"). (If you are using the Extended version of the textbook, please read Chapter 21, pages 366-373). After doing so, watch the video a second time and answer the following questions:

Question 1.9


Question 1.10

According to your textbook, using CAFOs to produce beef has a number of disadvantages. Examine the list below and circle all of the disadvantages mentioned by your textbook:

CAFOs contribute significantly to global warming nSRXwWCMH2bgm6Ceeuj70rJnPSk=
The grain-intensive diets fed to CAFO cattle are bad for their health nSRXwWCMH2bgm6Ceeuj70rJnPSk=
Subjecting CAFO cattle to such crowded living conditions is inhumane nSRXwWCMH2bgm6Ceeuj70rJnPSk=
Health problems for CAFO cattle lead farmers to administer heavy doses of antibiotics, which can result in antibiotic resistance for both animals and humans nSRXwWCMH2bgm6Ceeuj70rJnPSk=
Compared to CAFO pigs and CAFO chickens, CAFO beef cattle use considerably more feed and water to produce a pound of meat or dairy product nSRXwWCMH2bgm6Ceeuj70rJnPSk=
The grains used to feed CAFO cattle could be more efficiently used to feed human populations because cattle are inefficient at turning feed into milk and beef hAuIL6ipgxOdOeeWPw4/2WV5cCk=

1.2.1 Section B: Taking A Second Look At Beef Production (Continued)

Based on the information presented in the video, what would you say is the main benefit and the main drawback of conventional beef production?

Question 1.11


Looking at the disadvantages you circled in Question 2, how many were mentioned in the video during its discussion of conventional beef production?

Question 1.12


In your opinion, should the video have done more to discuss other aspects of the triple bottom line in its comparison of conventional and grass-fed beef production?

Question 1.13


1.3 Section C: Assessing the Costs of Producing Beef

For this part of the assignment please read Chapter 5, pages 82-83 of your textbook ("Mainstream Economics Supports Some Actions That Are Not Sustainable"), focusing on the discussion of internal costs, external costs and true costs. (If you are using the Extendd version of the textbook, please read Chapter 4, pages 64-65.) After doing so, watch the video a third time if necessary and answer the following questions:

Question 1.14

The statements below highlight a number of environmental and social problems associated with conventional beef production, which you read about in Chapter 18 (Chapter 21 Extended). As Chapter 5 (Chapter 4 Extended) explains, such problems generate additional costs that are not always factored into the price of beef. For each statement below, indicate whether we are dealing with an internal cost or an external cost in relation to conventional beef production:

Type of Cost Internal/External
a. Costs associated with the damages and disruptions caused by industrial agriculture’s numerous contributions to global warming lJTj4ccAHPuApb1FUWfpKIaxhcTYCmQJOuNrSuiDXrU=
b. Costs associated with water depletion and soil erosion caused by the monocrop agricultural practices used to grow feed for CAFO cattle lJTj4ccAHPuApb1FUWfpKIaxhcTYCmQJOuNrSuiDXrU=
c. Costs associated with addressing health problems in cattle caused by high grain diets and confinement lJTj4ccAHPuApb1FUWfpKIaxhcTYCmQJOuNrSuiDXrU=
d. Costs associated with addressing health problems in humans caused by antibiotic resistant microbes and diets rich in fatty beef lJTj4ccAHPuApb1FUWfpKIaxhcTYCmQJOuNrSuiDXrU=
e. Costs associated with safely containing the high volumes of animal manure produced by CAFOs lJTj4ccAHPuApb1FUWfpKIaxhcTYCmQJOuNrSuiDXrU=

1.3.1 Section C: Assessing the Costs of Producing Beef (Continued)

Question 1.15

Add up your responses from Question 1 and give your final tally for each component of the triple bottom line below.

Costs Final Tally
Internal Costs LNW3QNNUvnd3l6o7CnCl2r4XiVHEUa0w
External Costs LNW3QNNUvnd3l6o7CnCl2r4XiVHEUa0w

Question 1.16


Question 1.17


1.4 Activity Completed!

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