Question 14.12

14.12 The endangered manatee. Manatees are large, gentle, slow-moving creatures found along the coast of Florida. Many manatees are injured or killed by boats. Figure 14.10 is a scatterplot of the number of manatee deaths by boats versus the number of boats registered in Florida (in thousands) for the years between 1977 and 2014.

  1. (a) Describe the overall pattern of the relationship in words.

  2. (b) About what are the number of boats registered and manatee deaths for point A?

  3. (c) Suppose there was a point near B. Would this be an outlier? If so, say how it is unusual (for example, “a moderately high number of deaths but a low number of boats registered”).

Figure 14.10: Figure 14.10 Manatee deaths by boats and boats registered in Florida, Exercises 14.12 and 14.14.