Table : TABLE 15.1 Wine consumption and heart disease
Country Alcohol
from winea
Heart disease
death rateb
Country Alcohol
from winea
Heart disease
death rateb
Australia 3.25 80 Italy 7.50 60
Austria 4.75 100 Netherlands 2.75 70
Belgium 2.75 60 New Zealand 2.50 100
Canada 1.50 80 Norway 1.75 80
Denmark 4.50 90 Spain 5.00 50
Finland 3.00 120 Sweden 2.50 90
France 8.50 40 Switzerland 6.00 70
Germany 3.75 90 United Kingdom 2.75 120
Iceland 1.25 110 United States 1.25 120
Ireland 2.00 130
aLiters of alcohol from drinking wine, per person.
bDeaths per 100,000 people, ischemic heart disease.