Chapter 3: Should Election Polls Be Banned?

Arguments against public preelection polls charge that they influence voter behavior. Voters may decide to stay home if the polls predict a landslide—why bother to vote if the result is a foregone conclusion? Exit polls are particularly worrisome because they in effect report actual election results before the election is complete. The U.S. television networks agree not to release the results of their exit surveys in any state until the polls close in that state. If a presidential election is not close, the networks may know (or think they know) the winner by midafternoon, but they forecast the vote only one state at a time as the polls close across the country. Even so, a presidential election result may be known (or thought to be known) before voting ends in the western states. Some countries have laws restricting election forecasts. In France, no poll results can be published in the week before a presidential election. Canada forbids poll results in the 72 hours before federal elections. In all, some 30 countries restrict publication of election surveys.

The argument for preelection polls is simple: democracies should not forbid publication of information. Voters can decide for themselves how to use the information. After all, supporters of a candidate who is far behind know that fact even without polls. Restricting publication of polls just invites abuses. In France, candidates continue to take private polls (less reliable than the public polls) in the week before the election. They then leak the results to reporters in the hope of influencing press reports.

One argument for exit polls is that they provide a means for checking election outcomes. Discrepancies between exit polls and reported election outcomes invite investigation into the reasons for the differences. Such was the case in the 2004 presidential election. Were the exit polls flawed, or were the reported election results in error?

Chapter 4: The Harris Online Poll

The Harris Online Poll uses probability sampling and statistical methods to weight responses and uses recruitment to attempt to create a panel (sampling frame) that is as representative as possible. But the panel also consists of volunteers and suffers, to some extent, from voluntary response. In addition, panel members are Internet users, and it is not clear that such a panel can be representative of a larger population that includes those who do not use the Internet.

As Crouper points out in his The Public Opinion Quarterly paper, “it is not the fact that a very large panel of volunteers is being used to collect systematic information on a variety of topics that is of concern, but the fact that the proponents of this approach are making claims that these panels are equal to or better than other forms of survey data collection based on probability sampling methods (especially RDD [random digit dialing] surveys). The claim goes beyond saying that these panels are representative of the Internet population to claiming that they are representative of the general population of the United States. These assertions rest on the efficacy of weighting methods to correct deficiencies in sampling frames constituted by volunteers. We need thorough, open, empirical evaluation of these methods to establish their validity.”

Thus, the verdict is out on whether the Harris Poll Online provides accurate information about well-defined populations such as all American adults.

Chapter 6: Is It or Isn't It a Placebo?

Should the FDA require natural remedies to meet the same standards as prescription drugs? That’s hard to do in practice, because natural substances can’t be patented. Drug companies spend millions of dollars on clinical trials because they can patent the drugs that prove effective. Nobody can patent an herb, so nobody has a financial incentive to pay for a clinical trial. Don’t look for big changes in the regulations.

Meanwhile, it’s easy to find claims that ginkgo biloba is good for (as one website says) “hearing and vision problems as well as impotence, edema, varicose veins, leg ulcers, and strokes.’’ Common sense says you should be suspicious of claims that a substance is good for lots of possibly unrelated conditions. Statistical sense says you should be suspicious of claims not backed by comparative experiments. Many untested remedies are no doubt just placebos. Yet they may have real effects in many people—the placebo effect is strong. Just remember that the safety of these concoctions is also untested.

Chapter 7: Hope for Sale?

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One issue to consider is whether BMT really keeps patients alive longer than standard treatments. We don’t know, but the answer appears to be “probably not.’’ The patients naturally want to try anything that might keep them alive, and some doctors are willing to offer hope not backed by good evidence. One problem was that patients would not join controlled trials that might assign them to standard treatments rather than to BMT. Results from such trials were delayed for years by the difficulty in recruiting subjects. Of the first five trials reported, four found no significant difference between BMT and standard treatments. The fifth favored BMT—but the researcher soon admitted “a serious breach of scientific honesty and integrity.’’ The New York Times put it more bluntly: “he falsified data.’’

Another issue is “smart’’ compassion. Compassion seems to support making untested treatments available to dying patients. Reason responds that this opens the door to sellers of hope and delays development of treatments that really work. Compare children’s cancer, where doctors agree not to offer experimental treatments outside controlled trials. Result: 60% of all children with cancer are in clinical trials, and progress in saving lives has been much faster for children than for adults. BMT for a rare cancer in children was tested immediately and found to be effective. In contrast, one of the pioneers in using BMT for breast cancer, in the light of better evidence, now says, “We deceived ourselves and we deceived our patients.’’

Chapter 8: SAT Exams in College Admissions

We see that SAT scores predict college grades about as well as high school grades do. Combining SAT scores and high school grades does a better job than either by itself. The predictions are actually a bit better for private institutions than for public institutions. We also see that neither SAT scores nor high school grades predict college grades very well. Students with the same grades and SAT scores often perform quite differently in college. Motivation and study habits matter a lot. Choice of major, choice of classes, and choice of college also affect college performance.

Selective colleges are justified in paying some attention to SAT scores, but they are also justified in looking beyond SAT scores for the motivation that can bring success to students with weaker academic preparation. The SAT debate is not really about the numbers. It is about how colleges should use all the information they have in deciding whom to admit, and also about the goals colleges should have in forming their entering classes.

SAT 28% 32% 27%
School grades 29% 30% 28%
Both together 38% 42% 37%

Chapter 12: Income Inequality

These are complicated issues, with much room for conflicting data and hidden agendas. The political left wants to reduce inequality, and the political right says the rich earn their high incomes. We want to point to just one important statistical twist. Figure 12.4 and 12.5 report “cross-sectional’’ data that give a snapshot of households in each year. “Longitudinal’’ data that follow households over time might paint a different picture. Consider a young married couple, Jamal and Tonya. As students, they work part-time, then borrow to go to graduate school. They are down in the bottom fifth. When they get out of school, their income grows quickly. By age 40, they are happily in the top fifth. In other words, many poor households are only temporarily poor.

Longitudinal studies are expensive because they must follow the same households for years. They are prone to bias because some households drop out over time. One study of income tax returns found that only 14% of the bottom fifth were still in the bottom fifth 10 years later. But really poor people don’t file tax returns. Another study looked at children under five years old. Starting in both 1971 and 1981, it found that 60% of children who lived in households in the bottom fifth still lived in bottom-fifth households 10 years later. Many people do move from poor to rich as they grow older, but there are also many households that stay poor for years. Unfortunately, many children live in these households.

Chapter 15: Gun Control and Crime

Is Lott right? We don’t know. His work is more sophisticated than most older studies cited to support gun control. Yet large observational studies have many potential weaknesses, especially when they look for trends over time. Lots of things happen in 18 years, not all of which are in Lott’s model—for example, police have become more aggressive in seizing illegal guns. Good data are hard to come by—for example, the number of people carrying guns legally is lower than the number of permits issued and is hard to estimate accurately. It would take very detailed study to reach an informed opinion on Lott’s statistics.

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The best reason to question Lott’s findings combines awareness of the weaknesses of observational studies with the fact that statistical studies with stronger designs support reducing the presence of guns. Temporary bans on carrying guns in several cities in Colombia—highly publicized and enforced by police checkpoints and searches—reduced murder rates. The Kansas City Gun Experiment compared two high-crime areas. In one, police seized guns by searches during traffic stops and after minor offenses. Gun crimes dropped by half in the treatment area and were unchanged in the control area. There seems good reason to think that reducing illegal carrying of guns reduces gun crime. Lott, of course, argues for legal carrying. This distinction between legal and illegal carrying of guns makes it possible for both Lott and some of his critics to be right. Lower illegal gun carrying may reduce crime. Higher legal gun carrying could also reduce crime. Like many questions of causation, this one remains open.

Chapter 16: Does the CPI Overstate Inflation?

The CPI has an upward bias because it can’t track shifts from beef to tofu and back as consumers try to get the same quality of life from whatever products are cheaper this month. This was the basis of the outside experts’ criticisms of the CPI: the CPI does not track the “cost of living.’’ Their first recommendation was that “the BLS should establish a cost of living index as its objective in measuring consumer prices.’’ The BLS said it agreed in principle but that neither it nor anyone else knows how to do this in practice. It also said, “Measurement of changes in ‘quality of life’ may require too many subjective judgments to furnish an acceptable basis for adjusting the CPI.’’ Nonetheless, a new kind of index that in principle comes closer to measuring changes in the cost of living was created in 2002. This new index is called the Chained CPI-U (C-CPI-U). It more closely approximates a cost-of-living index by reflecting substitution among item categories. This new index may be an improvement, but it is unlikely that the difficult problems of defining living standards and measuring changes in the cost of their attainment over time will ever be resolved completely.

Chapter 20: The State of Legalized Gambling

Opponents of gambling have good arguments against legalized gambling. Some people find betting addictive. A study by the National Opinion Research Center estimated that pathological gamblers account for 15% of gambling revenue and that each such person costs the rest of us $12,000 over his lifetime for social and police work. Gambling does ruin some lives, and it does indirectly harm others.

State-run lotteries involve governments in trying to persuade their citizens to gamble. In the early days of the New York lottery, we recall billboards that said, “Support education—play the lottery.’’ That didn’t work, and the ads quickly changed to “Get rich—play the lottery.’’ Lotteries typically pay out only about half the money bet, so they are a lousy way to get rich even when compared with the slots at the local casino. Professional gamblers and statisticians avoid them, not wanting to waste money on so bad a bargain. Poor people spend a larger proportion of their income on lotteries than do the rich and are the main players of daily numbers games. The lottery may be a voluntary tax, but it hits the poor hardest, and states spend hundreds of millions on advertising to persuade the poor to lose yet more money. Some modest suggestions from those who are concerned about state-run lotteries: states should cut out the advertising and pay out more of what is bet.

States license casinos because they pay taxes and attract tourists—and, of course, because many citizens want them. In fact, most casinos outside Las Vegas draw gamblers mainly from nearby areas. Crime is higher in counties with casinos—but lots of lurking variables may explain this association. Pathological gamblers do have high rates of arrest, but again the causal link is not clear.

The debate continues. Meanwhile, technology in the form of Internet gambling is bypassing governments and creating a new gambling economy that makes many of the old arguments outdated.

Chapter 23: Should Hypothesis Tests Be Banned?

It will probably not surprise you that the American Statistical Association (ASA) did not take kindly to the BASP ban on hypothesis testing and confidence intervals. As of the writing of this text, a formal response is being crafted by the ASA.

It is interesting to note that in 1999, the American Psychological Association (APA) appointed a Task Force on Statistical Inference. At that time, the task force did not want to ban hypothesis tests. The report that was produced by the task force was, in fact, a summary of good statistical practice:

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The APA task force did say, “It is hard to imagine a situation in which a dichotomous accept-reject decision is better than reporting an actual p value or, better still, a confidence interval. . . . Always provide some effect-size estimate when reporting a p value.’’ But would the task force ban hypothesis tests altogether? “Although this might eliminate some abuses, the committee thought there were enough counterexamples to justify forbearance.’’

Sixteen years later, BASP banned hypothesis tests and confidence intervals. The controversy is not over. We encourage you to search the Web for the most up-to-date information about this issue.

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