The definition of “expected value” says that it is an average of the possible outcomes, but an average in which outcomes with higher probability count more. We argued that the expected value is also the average outcome in another sense—it represents the long-run average we will actually see if we repeat a bet many times or choose many households at random. This is more than intuition. Mathematicians can prove, starting from just the basic rules of probability, that the expected value calculated from a probability model really is the “long-run average.” This famous fact is called the law of large numbers.
The law of large numbers
According to the law of large numbers, if a random phenomenon with numerical outcomes is repeated many times independently, the mean of the actually observed outcomes approaches the expected value.
The law of large numbers is closely related to the idea of probability. In many independent repetitions, the proportion of each possible outcome will be close to its probability, and the average outcome obtained will be close to the expected value. These facts express the long-run regularity of chance events. They are the true version of the “law of averages,” as we mentioned in Chapter 17.
High-tech gambling There are more than 700,000 slot machines in the United States. Once upon a time, you put in a coin and pulled the lever to spin three wheels, each with 20 symbols. No longer. Now the machines are video games with flashy graphics and outcomes produced by random number generators. Machines can accept many coins at once, can pay off on a bewildering variety of outcomes, and can be networked to allow common jackpots. Gamblers still search for systems, but in the long run, the random number generator guarantees the house its 5% profit.
The law of large numbers explains why gambling, which is a recreation or an addiction for individuals, is a business for a casino. The “house” in a gambling operation is not gambling at all. The average winnings of a large number of customers will be quite close to the expected value. The house has calculated the expected value ahead of time and knows what its take will be in the long run. There is no need to load the dice or stack the cards to guarantee a profit. Casinos concentrate on inexpensive entertainment and cheap bus trips to keep the customers flowing in. If enough bets are placed, the law of large numbers guarantees the house a profit. Life insurance companies operate much like casinos—they bet that the people who buy insurance will not die. Some do die, of course, but the insurance company knows the probabilities and relies on the law of large numbers to predict the average amount it will have to pay out. Then the company sets its premiums high enough to guarantee a profit.