EXAMPLE 1 Racial differences in six-
One measurement of student success is the percentage completing a bachelor’s degree within six years. The National Center for Education Statistics publishes reports. The following two-
Race/ethnicity | White | Black | Hispanic | Asian | Total |
Graduated | 7380 | 1185 | 1503 | 824 | 10,892 |
Did not graduate | 4620 | 1815 | 1497 | 376 | 8308 |
Total | 12,000 | 3000 | 3000 | 1200 | 19,200 |
How should we evaluate the information in this table?
Graduation status (completing a bachelor’s degree within six years or not) and race of students are both categorical variables. That is, they place individuals into categories but do not have numerical values that allow us to describe relationships by scatterplots, correlation, or regression lines. To display relationships between two categorical variables, use a two-
How can we best grasp the information contained in this table? First, look at the distribution of each variable separately. The distribution of a categorical variable says how often each outcome occurred. The “Total” column at the right of the table contains the totals for each of the rows. These row totals give the distribution of graduation status for all students, for all racial/ethnic groups combined. The “Total” row at the bottom of the table gives the distribution of race for students, with both categories of graduation status (“Graduated” or “Did not graduate”) combined. It is often clearer to present these distributions using percentages. We might report the distribution of race as
percentage White=12,00019,200=0.625=62.5%
percentage Black=300019,200=0.156=15.6%
percentage Hispanic=300019,200=0.156=15.6%
percentage Asian=120019,200=0.063=6.3%
The two-
EXAMPLE 2 Racial differences in six-
Because there are only two categories of graduation status, we can see the relationship between race and graduation status by comparing the percentages of those who completed a bachelor’s degree within six years for each race:
percentage of White students who graduated=738012,000=0.615=61.5%
percentage of Black students who graduated=11853000=0.395=39.5%
percentage of Hispanic students who graduated=15033000=0.501=50.1%
percentage of Asian students who graduated=8241200=0.687=68.7%
More than 60% of the White students and almost 70% of the Asian students completed a bachelor’s degree within six years, but only about 40% of Black students and 50% of Hispanic students completed a bachelor’s degree within six years.
In working with two-