David S. Moore is Shanti S. Gupta Distinguished Professor of Statistics, Emeritus, at Purdue University and was 1998 president of the American Statistical Association. He received his AB from Princeton University and his PhD from Cornell University, both in mathematics. He has written many research papers in statistical theory and served on the editorial boards of several major journals. Professor Moore is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has served as program director for statistics and probability at the National Science Foundation.
Professor Moore has devoted much of his career to the teaching of statistics. He was the content developer for the Annenburg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting college-
William I. Notz is Professor of Statistics at The Ohio State University. He received his BS in physics from the Johns Hopkins University and his PhD in mathematics from Cornell University. His first academic job was as an assistant professor in the Department of Statistics at Purdue University. While there, he taught the introductory concepts course with Professor Moore, using the first edition of Statistics: Concepts and Controversies. As a result of this experience, he developed an interest in statistical education. Professor Notz is a coauthor of EESEE (the Electronic Encyclopedia of Statistical Examples and Exercises) and has coauthored several textbooks.
Professor Notz’s research interests have focused on experimental design and computer experiments. He is the author of several research papers and of a book on the design and analysis of computer experiments. He is an elected fellow of the American Statistical Association and an elected member of the International Statistical Institute. He has served as the editor of the journals Technometrics and Journal of Statistics Education, as well as on the editorial boards of several journals. At The Ohio State University, he has served as the Director of the Statistical Consulting Service, as acting chair of the Department of Statistics, and as associate dean in the College of Mathematical and Physical Sciences. He is a winner of The Ohio State University’s Alumni Distinguished Teaching Award.