Chapter 11

Page 263 Exercise 11.18: These data are from the 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States, available online at

Page 263 Exercise 11.19: Consumer Reports, June 1986, pp. 366–367. A more recent study of hot dogs appears in Consumer Reports, July 1993, pp. 415–419. The newer data cover a few brands of poultry hot dogs and take calorie counts mainly from the package labels, resulting in suspiciously round numbers.

Page 260 Figure 11.14: The usual minimum for this lake is 350 feet in the winter months. The second mode is apparent due to a couple major drawdowns, most notably in 2003 and 2004 to make repairs to the 1.7-mile-long dam.

Page 264 Table 11.5: Source: 2010 Statistical Abstract of the United States,; and Census Bureau,

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