Chapter 1

Page 3 Data on the safety of GMOs is from “Public and scientists’ views on science and society,” Pew Research Center report by Cary Funk and Lee Rainie, January 29, 2015, available online at

Page 3 The poll is described in the article “Take our online poll: should Michigan legalize marijuana,” available online at

Page 5 Example 1 is suggested by Maxine Pfannkuch and Chris J. Wild, “Statistical thinking and statistical practice: themes gleaned from professional statisticians,” unpublished manuscript, 1998.

Page 7 Example 3: M. S. Linet et al., “Residential exposure to magnetic fields and acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children,” New England Journal of Medicine, 337 (1997), pp. 1–7. For a recent research article, see K. J. Bunch et al., “Residential distance at birth from overhead high-voltage powerlines: Childhood cancer risk in Britain 1962–2008,” British Journal of Cancer, 110 (2014), pp. 1402–1408.

Page 11 Exercise 1.1: From “In debate over legalizing marijuana, disagreement over drug’s dangers,” available online at

Page 12 The estimates of the census overcount and undercount are available online at

Page 15 Exercise 1.3: This problem is based on information in the article, “Few say police forces nationally do well in treating races equally,” available online at

Page 16 Exercise 1.5: Geoffrey R. O. Durso et al., “Over-the-counter relief from pains and pleasures alike: Acetaminophen blunts evaluation sensitivity to both negative and positive stimuli,” Psychological Science, 26 (2015), pp. 750–758.

Page 18 Exercise 1.12: Jeffrey M. Jones, “American’s support for death penalty stable,” Gallup News Service, October 23, 2014, available online at

Page 18 Exercise 1.14(c): The website for the American Community Survey is

Page 19 Exercise 1.16: Valerie Strauss, “Schools waking up to teens’ unique sleep needs,” Washington Post, January 10, 2006, p. A08.

Page 19 Exercise 1.19: This problem is based on information in L. C. Tapsell et al., “Including walnuts in a low-fat/modified-fat diet improves HDL cholesterol-to-total cholesterol ratios in patients with type 2 diabetes,” Diabetes Care, 27 (2004), pp. 2777–2783.

Page 20 Exercise 1.20: Rob Stein, “A drink a day raises women’s risk of cancer, study indicates,” Washington Post, February 25, 2009, p. A01.

Page 20 Exercise 1.21: Karen Kaplan, “Bully-ing seen at root of may adults’ woes,” Columbus Dispatch, June 4, 2015, p. A6

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