Chapter 20

Page 471 For the Statistical Controversies feature, visit the website of the National Coalition against Legalized Gambling at For the defense by the casino industry, visit the website of the American Gaming Association at State lotteries make their case via the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries, The National Indian Gaming Association,, is more assertive; click on Resources to go to the media center index, and then click on Indian Gaming Facts, for example. The report of a commission established by Congress to study the impact of gambling is at You’ll find lots of facts and figure at all these sites. See also “Gambling on the future,” Economist, June 26, 1999.

Page 474 The website for the Mega Millions lottery is


Page 476 Exercise 20.12: Obituary by Karen Freeman, New York Times, June 6, 1996.

Page 476 Exercise 20.13: Based on A. Tversky and D. Kahneman, “Extensional versus intuitive reasoning: the conjunction fallacy in probability judgment,” Psychological Review, 90 (1983), pp. 293–315.