Section 1.4 EXERCISES

Page 70

For Exercises 1.93 and 1.94, see page xx; for Exercises 1.95 and 1.96, see page xx; for Exercises 1.97 and 1.98, see page xx; and for Exercises 1.99 and 1.100, see page xx.

Question 1.31

1.101 Means and medians.

  1. Sketch a symmetric distribution that is not Normal. Mark the location of the mean and the median.

  2. Sketch a distribution that is skewed to the left. Mark the location of the mean and the median.

Question 1.32

1.102 The effect of changing the standard deviation.

  1. Sketch a Normal curve that has mean 30 and standard deviation 8.

  2. On the same x axis, sketch a Normal curve that has mean 30 and standard deviation 12.

  3. How does the Normal curve change when the standard deviation is varied but the mean stays the same?