Key Concept Quiz

Question 15.1

The conception of psychological disorders as diseases that have symptoms and possible cures is referred to as

  1. the medical model.
  2. physiognomy.
  3. the root syndrome framework.
  4. a diagnostic system.


Question 15.2

The DSM–5 is best described as a

  1. medical model.
  2. classification system.
  3. set of theoretical assumptions.
  4. collection of physiological definitions.



Question 15.3

Comorbidity of disorders refers to

  1. symptoms stemming from internal dysfunction.
  2. the relative risk of death arising from a disorder.
  3. the co-occurrence of two or more disorders in a single individual.
  4. the existence of disorders on a continuum from normal to abnormal.


Question 15.4

Irrational worries and fears that undermine one’s ability to function normally are an indication of

  1. a genetic abnormality.
  2. dysthymia.
  3. diathesis.
  4. an anxiety disorder.


Question 15.5

A(n) ___ disorder involves anxiety tied to a specific object or situation.

  1. generalized anxiety
  2. environmental
  3. panic
  4. phobic


Question 15.6

Agoraphobia often develops as a result of

  1. preparedness theory.
  2. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
  3. panic disorder.
  4. social phobia.


Question 15.7

Kelly’s fear of germs leads her to wash her hands repeatedly throughout the day, often for a half hour or more, under extremely hot water. From which disorder does Kelly suffer?

  1. panic attacks
  2. obsessive-compulsive disorder
  3. phobia
  4. generalized anxiety disorder


Question 15.8

Major depression is characterized by a severely depressed mood that lasts at least

  1. 2 weeks.
  2. 1 week.
  3. 1 month.
  4. 6 months.


Question 15.9

Extreme moods swings between ___ characterize bipolar disorder.

  1. depression and mania
  2. stress and lethargy
  3. anxiety and arousal
  4. obsessions and compulsions


Question 15.10

Schizophrenia is characterized by which of the following?

  1. hallucinations
  2. disorganized thoughts and behavior
  3. emotional and social withdrawal
  4. all of the above


Question 15.11

Schizophrenia affects approximately ___ % of the population and accounts for approximately ___ % of admissions to state and county mental hospitals.

  1. 5; 20
  2. 5; 5
  3. 1; 1
  4. 1; 40


Question 15.12

Autism spectrum disorder is characterized by which of the following?

  1. communication deficits and restricted, repetitive behavior
  2. hallucinations and delusions
  3. suicidal thoughts
  4. all of the above


Question 15.13

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

  1. must begin before the age of 7.
  2. never persists into adulthood.
  3. sometimes persists into adulthood.
  4. affects only boys.


Question 15.14

In the United States, those at highest risk for suicide are

  1. men.
  2. White people.
  3. those with a mental disorder.
  4. all of the above


Question 15.15

Nonsuicidal self-injury occurs among _ % of adolescents.

  1. 1–2
  2. 3–5
  3. 15–20
  4. 50
