1. One of your friends recently lost a close family member in a tragic car accident, and he’s devastated. He’s not been attending classes, and when you check up on him, you learn that he’s not sleeping well or eating regularly. You want to help him but feel a little out of your depth, so you suggest he visit the campus counseling center and talk to a therapist. “Only crazy people go to therapy,” he says. What could you tell your friend to dispel his assumption?
2. While you’re talking to your bereaved friend, his roommate comes in. The roommate agrees with your suggestion about therapy but takes it further. “I’ll give you the name of my therapist. He helped me quit smoking—
3. In the Methods in Psychology chapter you read about Louise Hay, whose bestselling book, You Can Heal Your Life, promotes a kind of psychotherapy: teaching readers how to change their thoughts and thereby improve not only their inner lives but also their physical health. The chapter quotes Hay as saying that scientific evidence is unnecessary to validate her claims. Is there a scientific basis for the major types of psychotherapy described in this chapter? How is scientific experimentation used to assess their effectiveness?
4. In June 2009, pop icon Michael Jackson died after receiving a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol, which is sometimes used off-