STISymptomsEstimated Annual Prevalence of New Infections in the U.S.
ChlamydiaWomen often have no symptoms; men can experience discharge from penis, burning when urinating, and pain/swelling of the testicles.2.86 million
GonorrheaNo symptoms may be present in men or women. Men can experience burning when urinating; white, yellow, or green discharge. Women can experience pain/burning when urinating, or vaginal discharge.820,000
HerpesBlisters on the genitals, rectum or mouth; painful sores after blisters break; fever, body aches, and swollen glands can occur.776,000
Human papillomavirus (HPV)Genital warts; certain cancers; warts growing in the throat.14.1 million
SyphilisFirm, round sores that first appear where the infection enters the body and can then spread to other parts of the body.55,400
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are extremely common. HPV, for example, is so widespread that nearly all sexually active people are infected at one time or another.
SOURCES: CDC (2012 A, B, C, D, F, 2013).