INFOGRAPHIC 6.2: Study Smarter: Methods of Improving Your Memory

You may never need to memorize the order of 2,808 playing cards as memory champion Dominic O’Brien did. But you do need to be able to understand and recall hundreds of details when your teacher hands you an exam. Luckily, research shows that certain strategies and memory techniques will help you retain information when you study.

Credits: Single lotus flower, Shutterstock; Pine chest of drawers, Shutterstock; Pansy, Shutterstock; Green sofa, Shutterstock; Marigold, Shutterstock; City map with labels, Shutterstock; Vintage wooden rocking chair, Shutterstock; Red grape, Shutterstock; Peach, Shutterstock; November calendar icon, Shutterstock; Banana, Shutterstock; Portrait of teenage girl with hand on chin, BLOOMimage/Getty Images; High education (student with chemical models and chemical formula on the blackboard), zorani/Getty Images