As newborns grow, they progress at an astounding rate in seen and marvel at how far they have come. But what you can’t see is the real unseen ways. When witnessing babies’ new skills, whether it be reaching action. These sensorimotor advancements are only possible because of for a rattle or pulling themselves into a standing position, it’s easy to the incredible brain development happening in the background.
Credits: Brain Scans, Figure 1 from: Knickmeyer, R. C.; Gouttard, S.; Kang, C.; Evans, D.; Wilber, J.; Smith, K.; Hamer, R. M.; Lin, W.; Gerig, G.; & Gilmore, J. H. (2008). A structural MRI study of human brain development from birth to 2 years. The Journal of Neuroscience, (28)47, 12176-12182; Real People: Black African American Toddler Boy Orange Hat Galoshes Thinkstock; Small child, Jaroslaw Wojcik/Getty Images; Baby boy (12-15 months) close-up, portrait, Photodisc/Getty Images; Baby boy eating, © sanapadh/Alamy; Baby learning to stand assisted by a stoll, Aseph/Shutterstock; Little boy playing with colorful cubes, Sergiy Bykhunenko/Shutterstock