Concept | Symbol | Description |
Sample Correlation coefficient | r | Represents the strength and direction of the relationship between two variables |
F-test value | F | Used to measure the statistical significance of the differences among 3 or more means |
t-test value | t | Used to measure the statistical significance of the difference between 2 means. |
p-value | p | An indication of the probability of getting a test statistic of a certain size by chance |
Population mean | μ | The mean of a population (pronounced “mew”) |
Sample mean | M (or ) | The mean of a sample (pronounced “X-bar”) |
Population standard deviation | σ | The standard deviation of the population; pronounced “sigma” |
Sample standard deviation | s | The standard deviation of a sample |
Population size | N | Indicates the size of a population |
Sample size | n | Indicates the size of a sample |
z-score | z | Indicates a standard score; number of standard deviations from the mean |