The first part is titled, looking at brain structure. It has two panels. The first panel shows a Computerized axial tomography imagery of the human brain accompanied by text that reads, Using X-rays, a scanner creates multiple cross-sectional images of the brain. Here, we see the brain from the top at the level of the ventricles, which form the butterfly-shaped dark spaces in the center. The second panel shows a magnetic resonance Imagery (M R I) of a human brain and a photo of a person undergoing M R I scan. Accompanying text reads, An M R I machine’s powerful magnets create a magnetic field that passes through the brain. A computer analyzes the electromagnetic response, creating cross-sectional images similar to those produced by C A T, but with superior detail.
The second part is titled, watching brain function. It has three panels. The first panel shows an electroencephalogram (E E G)’s computer read out. Accompanying text reads, Electrodes placed on the scalp record electrical activity from the area directly below. When the recorded traces are lined up, as in the computer readout seen here, we can see the scope of functional response across the brain’s outer layer. A photo shows a person undergoing EEG; her head is wired to numerous electrodes.
The second panel shows a Positron Emission Tomography (P E T) imagery and a schematic of an injection alongside. Accompanying text reads, a radioactively labeled substance called a tracer is injected into the bloodstream and tracked while the participant performs a task. A computer then creates 3-D images showing degrees of brain activity. Areas with the most activity appear in red.
The third panel shows a functional Magnetic Resonance imagery (f M R I). Accompanying text reads, the flow of oxygen-rich blood increases to areas of the brain that are active during a task. f M R I uses powerful magnets to track changes in blood-oxygen levels. Like P E T, this produces measurements of activity throughout the brain.
A text box at the bottom reads, what’s Next? - Making Connections: A diffusion spectrum imaging (D S I) of brain is shown with an accompanied text reading, the intricate pathways of myelinated axons in the brain can’t be seen in the imaging techniques shown here. But new technologies like diffusion spectrum imaging (D S I), which tracks the diffusion of water molecules through brain tissue, are being used to map neural connections. The resulting images show a complex information superhighway, with different colors indicating directions of travel.