If you were to measure the electrical potential of a neuron when it is “at rest,” the voltage inside the cell is about _______ compared to the voltage outside.
Sebastian is taking an introductory psychology course and is completing some online video simulations to understand how a neuron works. One particular video shows a neuron starting at its resting potential. When the charge inside of the axon segment reaches its _______ of –55 mV, the neuron fires.
If you think about an action potential as being similar to running a marathon, it would have a start line and a finish line. Which of the following would represent each of those positions?
Jared is driving down the highway and is paying attention to the broken line that separates the different lanes. He thinks, those gaps in the lines create spaces every few feet. That sort of reminds me of the gaps in the myelin sheath that surrounds the axon in a neuron. What are these gaps in the myelin sheath called?