Video transcript
INSTRUCTOR: Now, bring your focus to your head and scalp. Take a deep breath and bring relaxing energy to this part of your body. Imagine the tension leaving your body and dissipating into the ground beneath you. Focus on your head and scalp now for a few moments and just breathe the tension out of you.
On your next breath, gently move your attention to your face and neck. Relax all the muscles in your face, the muscles in your jaws, the muscles in your neck that give your head support.
Many of us experience eye strain from too much computer use, so give your eyes some special attention now, and visualize relaxing all of those tiny muscles around your eyes. With your eyes closed, try cupping the palms of your hands over your eyes as you relax them. This may help release tension. Good. Let the breath carry away any stress from this part of your body.
Next, notice any tension you might be holding in your jaws by opening your mouth as widely as you can, holding, and then relaxing. Stretch out your jaw muscles and send any tension away from your body with each exhalation.
Now, gently move your attention to the back of your neck. This is another place that many of us hold tension, so bring your breath here and let it relax all the muscles in the back of your neck. Breathe into it and relax.
Now bring your attention to your shoulders and upper back. Let the breath relax this part of your body. And again, gently move any tension away from your body through the exhalation. Spend a few moments here and let go of whatever you might be carrying in this part of your body. Good.
Gently move your attention now to your arms, wrists, and hands. Move from your upper arms to your forearms, to your wrists, then to each of your fingers and thumbs. Pay particular attention to the places here that you might be holding tension from overuse of a keyboard, this may include your fingers, and more importantly, your forearms. Send relaxing energy through the breath to this part of your body, and let go of more and more tension with each exhalation.
Now, gently move your attention to your torso. This may allow you to bring more attention to your breathing as well. Just relax all the muscles of your body core, including your chest, your stomach, and any tension you may be holding in your middle and lower back. Just breathe peacefully and release any tension in these parts of your body. As you breathe and relax your torso, you begin to feel a profound sense of quiet and relaxation from within.
Continue moving your thoughts and energy through your body now, and gently bring your attention to your buttocks, pelvis, and hips. Notice any tension you may be holding in these sensitive parts of your body, and breathe a deep sense of relaxation into them. Continue to breathe into them as you deeply relax your physical being.
Move down to your legs now, focusing on your upper legs, your knees, and your lower legs. Let your legs completely relax. Breathe deeply as you release any tension you may be holding there. Feel a moment of deep gratitude for all of the places that your legs have brought you in your life. You may want to gently move your legs now from side to side, or even a gentle shake to help physically release tension and help them to relax.
Continue to move your attention down your body to your ankles, to your feet, then finally to your toes. Breathe deep relaxation into your feet, and, again, express gratitude for how your feet supported the rest of your body and help you to feel grounded and connected to the Earth. Flex and extend your ankles, feet, and toes, which may help you physically relax them. Continue to breathe deeply as you relax this part of your body.
You body is relaxing now from head to toe. Allow your entire body to fully relax into each breath you take.