Chapter 13. Psychological Disorders: Is Everything OK?


You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Is Everything OK?
Your Situation
Dr. Julie B. Hanauer, Suffolk County Community College
Psychological disorder
A set of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing or disabling in terms of social functioning, work endeavors, and other aspects of life.
Abnormal behavior
Behavior that is atypical, dysfunctional, distressful, and/or deviant.
Degree to which behavior is rarely seen or statistically abnormal.
Degree to which a behavior interferes with a person’s daily life and relationships.
Degree to which behavior or emotions cause an individual to feel upset or uncomfortable.
Degree to which behavior is considered outside the standards or rules of society
A negative attitude or opinion about a group of people based on certain traits or characteristics.
Man sitting on steps and covering his face with hands.
Lisa S./Shutterstock

Recently, you’ve noticed dramatic changes in your friend Kris, who just isn’t the same person you met at the start of the semester. At first, you were great friends, talking for hours about life in college and having so much fun. You studied for your classes together and hung out with everyone in the dorm. Now Kris has stopped going to class and his work shifts at the library. Kris isn’t even getting out of bed to go to the cafeteria, so you bring food back to his dorm room. His room has started to smell because Kris hardly showers. You’re really worried.

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed., DSM-5). Arlington, VA.

Maine Suicide Prevention Program. (2006). Maine Suicide Prevention Program. I’m worried about…a friend. Retrieved from

Youth Suicide Prevention Program (2011). Helping a friend. Youth: Make a difference. Retrieved from:


What You Need to Know

Let’s try to figure out a plan together. First, let’s examine if Kris’ behavior meets the criteria for a psychological disorder. If it does, you should be concerned. If not, you might feel relieved. To what extent is Kris demonstrating abnormal behavior? Let’s examine how we define behavior as abnormal.












Man lying on the bed and covering his head with hand.

Unfortunately, Kris shows atypical, dysfunctional, distressed, and deviant behavior. You are very concerned. You knock and enter his room, approach Kris, and say: “Hey, I don’t want to sound corny, but I’m really worried about you. You seem so sad. I’m scared that you’re going to fail out of school.”

Kris replies: “I know. Thanks for bringing me some food. I appreciate you thinking about me, but I’m not worth helping. I just hate myself. The last thing I need is for everyone to think I’m crazy. So, please, just leave me alone.”



Unfortunately, people suffering from dysfunctional, atypical, deviant, and distressed emotions and behavior may resist getting help. Many people worry about what others will think or fear being labeled as crazy.




Stressed man sitting at the desk with closed eyes and cup in his hand.
PeopleImages/Getty Images

There may be many reasons why Kris acts and thinks in these particular ways. You remember that Kris had once mentioned three family members who were severely depressed. Kris also mentioned that he had liked someone in high school who didn’t feel the same way and, as a result, Kris felt quite rejected. In college, Kris reported feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work that had been assigned during this first semester. In fact, you have overheard Kris on the phone having an angry conversation and saying: “You’re putting too much pressure on me. I can’t get a 4.0 every semester. It’s impossible!” All of these complicating circumstances may be contributing to Kris’ dysfunctional and distressing thoughts and behaviors.



Many factors contribute to the onset of a psychological disorder. All factors contribute in different ways and their various influences can be difficult to differentiate. Sort each of the following contributors to mental illness into the column where it best fits: biological factor, psychological factor, or sociocultural factor. Move items by dragging them to the correct location or by selecting an item and then selecting the location where it should move.

Biological Factors Psychological Factors Sociocultural Factors
8 items left
Biological factors include brain structure, size, and any abnormality in brain function (for example, over- or underactivity in specific brain regions may contribute to mental illness), genetic factors (for example, mental illnesses tend to run in families), and neurochemical imbalances (for example, over- or underactivity of neurotransmitters such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine and GABA). Psychological factors include negative patterns of thinking, personality traits such as constantly worrying or thinking the worst will happen, patterns of reinforcement such as feeling good after taking a drug, and thought patterns and behaviors reinforced during childhood.
Sociocultural factors include societal conceptions of beauty that contribute to eating disorders, cultural beliefs (for example, men are often taught to hide their emotions and therefore are diagnosed with depression less often than women), and modeled behaviors (for example, if you’re exposed to someone who drinks alcohol when stressed, you may begin to drink alcohol when stressed), as well as the impact of different relationships on your thoughts and behaviors.
Incorrect. Try again.
Lower or higher levels of specific neurotransmitters may contribute to specific disorders.
Every time someone engages in a behavior and it brings pleasure or pain, that person may be more or less likely to engage in that behavior again.
After giving birth, hormonal fluctuations lead to changes in mood.
After always thinking of themselves as a failure, individuals go into situations believing they are going to fail.
Owen sees that every time his father is stressed, he drinks. He begins to drink whenever he feels stressed.
An individual perceives a specific interaction in a way that others do not.
Crosby feels the need to smoke pot because all his friends do. Now, he smokes all the time.
Size differences in brain structures have been observed in the brains of those suffering from certain psychological disorders.
Family members suffer from similar psychological disorders.
Joaquin experiences panic attacks every time he speaks to his parents because they are constantly pressuring him to succeed.
When walking through the hall, Un believes that everyone should smile back at her. When a small number do not smile back, she feels unloved.
Aisha believes that the only way she will feel beautiful and be happy is if she just loses another 5 lbs to bring her weight to 100 lbs.




You recall Kris’ recent thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as the changes over the last few months. You want to help Kris get back to being the happy college student you met at the beginning of the semester. You think about some of the psychological disorders from your introduction to psychology textbook. Examine the list of disorders below and match each to its corresponding definition. Can you identify any of the symptoms in Kris’ behavior?

Create matches by selecting the circle next to an option in the left column. Then click on the circle next to the option in the right column where you want to make the match.

8 items left
Personality disorders
Schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Dissociative disorders
Obsessive-compulsive disorders
Bipolar disorders
Trauma- and stressor-related disorders
Anxiety disorders
Depressive disorders
Dysfunction relating to problems with memory, identity, consciousness, emotion, perceptions, and motor control. Symptoms may include a feeling of detachment from one’s body, difficulty recalling personal information, and a state of confusion.
Dysfunction relating to repetitive thoughts that cause anxiety and distress, and the repetitive actions needed to relieve thoughts that cause distress and disrupt day-to-day functioning. Symptoms can include the thought repeated over and over in your mind that you are dirty. The only way to relieve the thought is to wash your hands.
Dysfunction resulting from impairments in cognition, emotional responses, interpersonal functioning, and impulse control. The symptoms include behaviors that deviate from sociocultural norms and are resistant to change and that cause distress and impairment, especially socially.
Dysfunction resulting from manic and depressive behavior characterized by extreme changes in mood and activity levels. Symptoms can range from grandiosity, less of a need for sleep, increased activity and talkativeness, easily distracted, physical agitation, and poor judgment to feelings of sadness, reduced pleasure in most activities, loss or gain in weight, excessive sleeping, low energy, feeling worthless, difficulty thinking, and thoughts about suicide.
Distress resulting from exposure to traumatic or stressful incidents. Symptoms may include depression, anxiety, grief, and flashbacks to and nightmares about the traumatic event.
Dysfunction relating to profound sadness, feelings of emptiness, and irritable mood. Symptoms may include feeling sad, reduced pleasure in most activities, loss or gain in weight, excessive sleeping, low energy, feeling worthless, difficulty thinking, and thoughts about suicide.
Dysfunction related to extreme anxiety and/or irrational and debilitating fears that may cause panic and physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, shortness of breath, nausea, chest pain, sweating, and a fear of dying.
Dysfunction resulting from delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking, abnormal motor behavior, and negative symptoms (lack of motivation, pleasure, socializing). Symptoms can include believing that the President of the United States is intercepting your thoughts or hearing commands coming from the dog across the street.





















Kris is exhibiting troubling symptoms, which have manifested themselves in a way that has left him a shell of the individual you once knew. Based on symptoms described here, you believe that Kris is struggling deeply with a psychological disorder.




Answers will vary, but should include these symptoms of major depressive disorder: great sadness, lack of motivation to engage in activities, lack of pleasure in activities that previously brought pleasure, increased sleeping (hypersomnia), and changes in eating habits resulting in unexpected weight gain/loss, along with fatigue. Other symptoms of major depressive disorder that Kris may not be showing include indecisiveness along with a lack of concentration, thoughts of suicide, and feelings of extreme guilt/worthlessness and hopelessness. Because Kris demonstrates at least five out of the nine symptoms of major depressive disorder, we can classify Kris as suffering from major depressive disorder. Thoughts of suicide are also a symptom of major depressive disorder, and while Kris has not mentioned any thoughts about suicide, he has talked about feeling worthless, and may indeed be having suicidal thoughts.


Skills You Can Use

As you saw, Kris is worried about the stigma many individuals with psychological disorders encounter. Psychological disorders are sometimes seen as a weakness or laziness, and are often minimized as something that individuals just need to work harder to overcome. Many people often do not view psychological disorders in the same way as physical ailments such as a stomach ulcer, cancer, or asthma. We would never tell an asthmatic who is having difficulty breathing: “Just breathe harder” or “Get over it.” Unfortunately, some individuals in our society stigmatize people with psychological disorders. Their symptoms are sometimes minimized, discredited, ignored, or even mocked.


Answers will vary but should include recognizing how much suffering and dysfunction mental illness causes for the individual. The suffering not only complicates the individual’s life, it complicates relationships too, which makes coping more difficult. In addition, answers could mention educating oneself and others about the causes of psychological disorders, identifying resources that can help, and understanding how individuals with mental illness pose more of a danger to themselves than to others.



Unfortunately, some individuals who suffer from psychological disorders, such as major depressive disorder, feel so hopeless that nothing they do will make things better. When they lose all hope that things can get better, they may contemplate or attempt suicide.


Check all the risk factors that you should be mindful for Kris.
Correct! Risk factors for suicide include: previous suicide attempt(s), a family history of suicide or violence, alcohol or drug abuse, physical illness, history of depression or other mental illness, and feeling alone.
Actually, risk factors for suicide include: previous suicide attempt(s), family history of suicide or violence, alcohol or drug abuse, physical illness, history of depression or other mental illness, and feeling alone.


National Suicide Prevention Lifeline logo. Phone number 1 800 273 Talk 8255. Website suicide prevention lifeline dot org.
Courtesy The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline


What should you do if you if you believe that Kris may be thinking about suicide? Check all that apply.
Correct! If you know that Kris may be thinking of suicide, encourage him to contact a responsible person who can help; encourage him to call a suicide prevention lifeline; don’t be afraid to ask Kris about suicide, talking about suicide will not put the idea in his head. Be direct and ask Kris if he is thinking about hurting himself, just talking with him can help. Listen without being judgmental. If Kris admits to making a detailed plan or obtained a means of hurting himself, stay until help arrives or he agrees to talk with someone who can help. Never agree to keep someone’s thoughts about suicide a secret.
Actually, if you know that Kris may be thinking of suicide, encourage him to contact a responsible person who can help; encourage him to call a suicide prevention lifeline; don’t be afraid to ask Kris about suicide, talking about suicide will not put the idea in his head. Be direct and ask Kris if he is thinking about hurting himself, just talking with him can help. Listen without being judgmental. If Kris admits to making a detailed plan or obtained a means of hurting himself, stay until help arrives or he agrees to talk with someone who can help. Never agree to keep someone’s thoughts about suicide a secret. Every college has resources to help, and most communities have 24-hour suicide lifelines people can call to speak with a live person. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline number is 1-800-273-8255. If you don’t want to speak to someone, you can send a text to the Crisis Text Line: Text “GO” to 741741.


Think It Through!

Next, watch this video in which four young people speak out about living with depression.

Video transcript

News coverage of young people speaking about living with depression.

REPORTER: Suicide is the second leading cause of death among teenagers, after traffic accidents. The CDC says about 4,600 young lives are lost to suicide each year. The past week, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued new guidelines to help doctors identify at-risk patients and urge doctors to screen patients for suicidal thoughts. We spoke with four young adults who have been battling anxiety and depression, including one woman who survived several suicide attempts.

Young people are giving an interview.

WOMAN 1: It's this feeling of being completely trapped in your own body.

MAN 1: You literally feel like you are losing your mind.

MAN 2: I don't know. It's sort of like a weird funk.

MAN 1: Anxiety and depression, unfortunately, is something I've always struggled with.

The text on the screen states that according to National Institute of Mental Health in the U.S. over 3.3 million people suffer from depression, while 40 million suffer from anxiety.

WOMAN 1: I had my first panic attack when I was 13.

WOMAN 2: I first tried to end my life when I was 11-years-old.

The text on the screen states that according to CDC the suicide rates in girls 10 to 14 triples.

MAN 2: And I just wanted to think about how bad I felt my life was.

WOMAN 2: I tried to end my life by overdosing on anything I could find in the medicine cabinet.

The text on the screen states that according to CDC the U.S. suicide rate is the highest it is been in 30 years.

MAN 2: I had kind of lost my faith.

WOMAN 1: I didn't know what other way of escaping this other than to die.

WOMAN 2: And so, at eight, I wrote in my diary that my life was over.

MAN 1: Dreading the day that I would have to tell somebody that I was gay. You get taunts about acting girly as early as age four.

The text on the screen states that according to CDC LBGT youth are more than twice as likely to have attempted suicide as their heterosexual peers.

MAN 2: Throughout history I mean as a human society, we haven't handled mental issues very well.

WOMAN 1: I actually have quite a few friends and family members, immediate family members, who do not get it.

MAN 2: It's seen as a mental sort of malady.

WOMAN 1: Oh, she has anxiety and depression. And it's like, no, I have anxiety and depression the same way a person has hypoglycemia or diabetes or anything else.

The text on the screen states that according to National Institute of Mental Health up to 70% of suicide victims suffer from major depression or manic-depressive disorder.

WOMAN 2: So it's been 10 years since I last attempted to end my life, and I'm thinking about how I might have changed mentally. And I've found ways to cope.

WOMAN 1: The therapy aspect of it is huge, and I have made improvements.

MAN 1: I'm on antidepressants, and they're good for me. They help me. If I weren't on them, I would be back to being suicidal.

MAN 2: I decided that I would try my best not to try and let life affect how my mood felt.

The text on the screen states that according to the Health and Human Services of Mentally Health African Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the general population.

WOMAN 1: There's still a lot of work to be done. I'm not able to keep up with everybody else sometimes, and that's OK.

MAN 1: I don't enjoy feeling negative emotions, but I welcome them because I know they're a part of life, and they're a part of who I am. So I let me feel those emotions to the fullest of my extent, and then I move on from it.

WOMAN 2: I think that it's also given me more of a desire to continue living, that there is something to live for and that there is a meaning to my life, and that there is a reason why I didn't complete any of those attempts.

REPORTER: The brave faces, and the voices of an epidemic.

Video provided by BBC Worldwide Learning.




When discussing their psychological pain, what types of feelings did the individuals share?
Correct! The people in the video reported feeling trapped; feeling like they were losing their minds; feeling like they were in a weird funk; feeling how bad life was; feeling like they have lost faith; and feeling like the only way to escape was to die.
Actually, the people in the video reported feeling trapped; feeling like they were losing their minds; feeling like they were in a weird funk; feeling how bad life was; feeling like they have lost faith; and feeling like the only way to escape was to die.


Answers will vary but should include immediately finding resources for the suffering individual such as a Suicide Prevention Lifeline, campus resource (mental health services), or even 911. Answers should also discuss how the individuals in the video found support through learning different ways to cope with their negative feelings and thoughts, and trying to not let the negative aspects of their lives affect their moods as much as they previously did, as well as welcoming their negative emotions because they are a part of who they are.


In Your Own Words


You have done a great job recognizing Kris’ signs of major depressive disorder. Kris was showing disabling behaviors and thoughts, which paralyzed all aspects of his life. You know that Kris could not go on living that way. You called mental health services on your campus and explained your concern that Kris’ behavior was atypical, dysfunctional, deviant, and, probably, above all, extremely distressing. You also called Kris’ parents because you were worried about the risk of suicide. Kris needed help and with a friend like you, he received it. One of the most important aspects of helping people suffering from mental illness is education. Education reduces stigma. Education helps you and the individual suffering from a psychological disorder understand the condition. Education helps others to understand that mental illness is real, sometimes paralyzing, and can impact a person as much or more than a physical illness.

Answers will vary but should include how both the physical and psychological manifestations of mental illness impact the daily lives of individuals with mental illness. Answers should discuss how stigma deeply impacts the view of those suffering from mental illness. Answers could also discuss how your ideas about people with mental illness have changed and how you have become more empathetic toward those suffering from psychological disorders. Finally, discussion should also focus on your new awareness of the signs and symptoms of a psychological disorder.


Show What You Know!









