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You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Dr. Chrysalis L. Wright, University of Central Florida
3R the Bottle!
Your Situation
Dr. Chrysalis L. Wright, University of Central Florida
Intentionally trying to make people change their attitudes and beliefs, which may lead to changes in their behaviors.
The urge to modify behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and opinions to match those of others.
The relatively stable thoughts, feelings, and responses one has toward people, situations, ideas, and things.
The environmental factors that shape behaviors, personality, and other characteristics.
Classical conditioning
Learning process in which two stimuli become associated with each other; when an originally neutral stimulus is conditioned to elicit an involuntary response.
Observational learning
Learning that occurs as a result of watching the behavior of others.
Scattered papers and textbooks on a desk with computer screen and lamp.
PeopleImages/Getty Images

You are a freshman and just finished your first week of class. You are settled into your dorm room, have purchased the textbooks for your classes, and now want to join a club or start an extracurricular activity. You believe that getting involved on campus will help you fit in and adjust to the new environment. All week you have been given flyers and pamphlets about different student organizations around campus. As you sit down at your desk to review some of them, you notice a flyer on your roommate's desk.

Asch, S. E. (1955). Opinions and social pressure. Scientific American, 193, 31–35.

Celebrities promote recycling on T-shirts. Retrieved from

D’Alessandro, N. (2014, April 7). 22 Facts about plastic pollution (and 10 things we can do about it). Eco Watch. Obtained from

GeoGarage (2012, June 20). Global call to stop plastic pollution presented at Rio Earth Summit. Retrieved from

Lerche, J. (no date). How is saving plastic bottles helping the earth? Retrieved from

Petty, R. E., & Cacioppo, J. T. (1986). The elaboration likelihood model of persuasion. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 19, 123–205.

Recycle symbol-reduce plastic bottles. Explore waste plastic, van plastic, and more! Retrieved from

Warwickshire Community Recycling. Retrieved from

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Chapter 15. Social Psychology: "3R the Bottle!"