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Question 1 of 14
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Interning at the Tranquility Rehabilitation Center
The Situation
Dr. Julie B. Hanauer, Suffolk County Community College
The brain is divided into two parts, each called a “hemisphere” and termed either “right” or “left.” The hemispheres are connected by a thick band of nerves called the corpus callosum. For most individuals, each hemisphere is in charge of specific functions.
Cerebral cortex
The wrinkled outermost layer of the cerebrum, responsible for higher mental functions, such as decision making, planning, and processing visual information.
Frontal lobes
The area of the cortex that organizes information among the other lobes of the brain and is responsible for cognitive functions, such as thinking, perception, and impulse control.
Motor cortex
A band of tissue toward the rear of the frontal lobes that works with other brain regions to plan and execute voluntary movements.
The idea that each cerebral hemisphere processes certain types of information and excels in certain activities.
Broca’s area
A region of the cortex that is critical for speech production.
Wernicke’s area
A region of the cortex that plays a pivotal role in language comprehension.
Working memory
The active processing of information in short-term memory; the maintenance and manipulation of information in the memory system.
The brain’s ability to heal, grow new connections, and reorganize in order to adapt to the environment.
A male nurse drives a wheelchair with a senior person outdoors.
YvanDube/Getty Images

As an intern at the Tranquility Rehabilitation Center, you’ll be working with people who have suffered a brain injury. Each patient has spent time in a hospital to take care of their immediate medical needs and is now learning how to live with their brain injuries. Today, you will visit Eduardo, a 71-year-old Hispanic male who has suffered a stroke that has impacted his active lifestyle. We will discuss the brain injury he has suffered and discuss how the different structures in the brain underlie his thoughts and behaviors.

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Chapter 2. Interning at the Tranquility Rehabilitation Center