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Question 1 of 13
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
We’re Having a Baby!
Dr. Julie B. Hanauer, Suffolk County Community College
Your Situation
The classification of someone as male or female based on biological characteristics.
The dimensions of masculinity and femininity based on social, cultural, and psychological characteristics.
Gender identity
The feeling or sense of being either male or female, and compatibility, contentment, and conformity with one’s gender.
Gender schemas
The psychological or mental guidelines that dictate how to be masculine or feminine.
Conclusions or inferences we make about people who are different from us based on their group membership, in this case, gender.
Gender roles
The collection of actions, beliefs, and characteristics that a culture associates with masculinity and femininity.
Smartphone home screen with one new message.

After a long day of classes, studying and socializing, you are thrilled to see a text message from your cousin Jordan, whom you haven’t heard from in a bit. You’re glad to have this break. Select the Read Text Message button to read Jordan’s message.

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Chapter 10. Sex and Gender "We're Having a Baby!"