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Question 1 of 16
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
Is Everything OK?
Your Situation
Dr. Julie B. Hanauer, Suffolk County Community College
Psychological disorder
A set of behavioral, emotional, and cognitive symptoms that are significantly distressing or disabling in terms of social functioning, work endeavors, and other aspects of life.
Abnormal behavior
Behavior that is atypical, dysfunctional, distressful, and/or deviant.
Degree to which behavior is rarely seen or statistically abnormal.
Degree to which a behavior interferes with a person’s daily life and relationships.
Degree to which behavior or emotions cause an individual to feel upset or uncomfortable.
Degree to which behavior is considered outside the standards or rules of society
A negative attitude or opinion about a group of people based on certain traits or characteristics.
Man sitting on steps and covering his face with hands.
Lisa S./Shutterstock

Recently, you’ve noticed dramatic changes in your friend Kris, who just isn’t the same person you met at the start of the semester. At first, you were great friends, talking for hours about life in college and having so much fun. You studied for your classes together and hung out with everyone in the dorm. Now Kris has stopped going to class and his work shifts at the library. Kris isn’t even getting out of bed to go to the cafeteria, so you bring food back to his dorm room. His room has started to smell because Kris hardly showers. You’re really worried.

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Chapter 13. Psychological Disorders: Is Everything OK?