Scientific American: Psychology
Infographic Activity 7.4: How Smart Are Intelligence Tests?
How Smart Are Intelligence Tests?
Tests that claim to measure intelligence are everywhere—online, in your favorite magazine, at job interviews, and in many elementary and secondary schools. But can all of these tests be trusted? The results of an intelligence test aren’t meaningful unless the test is valid, reliable, and fair. But what do those concepts mean, and how can we be sure whether a test is valid, reliable, or fair—let alone all three? Let’s take a look.
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1. The best synonym for the quality of an intelligence test called “reliability” is ________.
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2. An introductory psychology class is trying to create an IQ test for cats. They base its items on a canine IQ test. For example, one item determines how many objects the cat can identify by name and then retrieve. This item on their feline IQ test is not ________, because it does not appear to measure what it intends to measure.
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3. On the Wechsler tests of one’s intelligence quotient, what number is used to indicate an “average” IQ?
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4. Jonah’s parents are absolutely thrilled when they find out that their 8-year old son scored 138 on his intelligence test. “Do you know what this means,” Jonah’s mother says. “Jonah is in the top ____ percent of IQs in the entire population!” Jonah’s father knows that she is right, because he too has studied the normal curve and knows where the percentages lie.
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5. Erika takes the state achievement tests for all tenth grade students, and it demonstrates that she knows about 85% of the questions she is asked. Because Erika has been earning a B in her math class all year, this agreement between the standardized test and other measures of Erika’s math abilities suggests that the test is, in fact, ________.
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6. Dr. Herkowitz came to the United States when he was a teenager because his parents wanted him to have an excellent education, and they knew him to be very bright. He often tells the story of how, when he first came to the USA, he was placed into remedial classes in his school. “They thought I was not bright because the tests they used to assess me were all in English, and I did not speak the language very well!” This is a good example of how a given test may not be ________ for all of the people to whom it is administered.
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7. Of the following qualities, which do you think might be least immediately important in determining the quality of an intelligence test?
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