Scientific American: Psychology
Infographic Activity 6.2: Study Smarter: Methods of Improving Your Memory
Study Smarter: Methods of Improving Your Memory
You may never need to memorize the order of 2,808 playing cards as memory champion Dominic O’Brien did. But you do need to be able to understand and recall hundreds of details when your teacher hands you an exam. Luckily, research shows that certain strategies and memory techniques will help you retain information when you study.
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1. When you give your telephone number to someone who lives in your city, you may use a certain intonation. In other words, if your phone number is (410) 357-1947, you would say the first three numbers, then pause and say the second three numbers, pause again and give the last four numbers. Which strategy from the infographic is employed when you recite the number in this manner?
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2. Daymon walks up to his psychology teacher after class one day and says, “Professor, there is so much information to study that I can’t decide what I should focus on for the exam.” The teacher smiles and says, “I agree, but I can’t tell you what is going to be on the exam, can I? One thing I can suggest to help you is to make a list of what things you’ve seen in the book only, what topics were in the book and covered in class, and which material was only discussed in class. Then maybe you should focus on the things that your book AND your class covered.” Daymon’s professor is suggesting that Daymon use which technique to help with his studying?
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3. Maryellen is trying to remember the formula for classical conditioning that she learned in class, but she is struggling to remember which responses and stimuli are placed in different positions. She decides to use an example from her own life – her fear of spiders – and generates an understanding of this new material by connecting it to something she was already familiar with. Which memory strategy has Maryellen employed?
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4. Of the following memory strategies, which would not be considered a mnemonic?
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5. “I know I earned a very low grade on the exam,” says Maria, sitting in her instructor’s office after class. “I just had so much work to do with my job and my other classes that I didn’t get to study until the night before. I pulled an all-nighter.” Maria needs to be reminded of the value of
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6. Phillip is trying to remember the five Great Lakes for his geography test. They are Lakes Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior, but he often forgets one of the five. He asks his mother for help, and she simply says “HOMES.” From then on, Phillip remembers the five Great Lakes. Which mnemonic did Phillip use?
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7. Maritza is going to the grocery store, and she only needs 5 items. Instead of writing them down, she imagines the order in which she will find them as she goes from aisle to aisle in her favorite store. Her roommate tells her, “Make a list or you’re going to be sorry,” but Maritza finds all of the items she needed. Which memory technique did Maritza use before shopping?
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