15.1 Chapter Introduction








Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado

Pikes Peak Community College, Colorado




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Library of Congress Control Number: 2015946015


ISBN-13: 978-1-319-01637-1

ISBN-10: 1-319-01637-5


ISBN-13: 978-1-319-02837-4

ISBN-10: 1-319-02837-3

© 2016 by Worth Publishers

All rights reserved

Printed in the United States of America

First printing

Worth Publishers

One New York Plaza

New York, NY 10004-1562


Chapter opening photo credits:

CO1a, p. xLii, Worn pickaxe, Image Source/Getty Images; CO1b, p. xLii, Metallic copper nugget, Karin Rollett-Vlcek/Getty Images; CO1c, p. xLii, Underground safety gear, Eduard Andras/Getty Images; CO1d, p. 1, Coal Miner, Joshua Ets-Hokin/Getty Images; CO2a, p. 46, Dogtags, Thinkstock; CO2b, p. 47, Female soldier, Thinkstock; CO2c, p. 46, Human brain (left and right hemisphere), Pasieka/Science Photo Library; CO3a, p. 87, Cute little ballerina, Bobbie Osborne/Getty Images; CO3b, p. 86, Hands showing Chinese way of counting, ICHIRO/Getty Images; CO3c, p. 86, Bath toys, Bernard Jaubert/age fotostock/SuperStock; CO4a, p. 129, African American male nurse, Curt Pickens/Getty Images; CO4b, p. 128, Silhouette of people in different poses, iStock Vectors/Getty Images; CO4c, p. 128, Pillow without pillowcase, © D. Hurst/Alamy; CO4d, p. 128, Pillow with white pillowcase, © D. Hurst/Alamy; CO4e, p. 128, Drip bag on stand, © moodboard/Alamy; CO4f, p. 128, Close-up of eye mask, Exactostock/SuperStock; CO5a, p. 172, Training shoe close-up, Zoonar/P Gudella/age fotostock; CO5b, p. 173, Woman runner, © Pixattitude/Dreamstime.com; CO5c, p. 172, Sport silhouettes basketball, Thinkstock CO6a, p. 214, Young woman’s work life, ZoneCreative/Getty Images; CO6b, p. 215, Conductor, C Squared Studios/Getty Images; CO6c, p. 214 Lute © Bob Jacobson/Corbis; CO7a, p. 258, Studio shot of fencer, Tetra Images/Getty Images; CO7b, p. 258, Skull x-ray (side angle), Stockbyte/Getty Images; CO7c, p. 258, Accident in the city, Nancy Brammer/Getty Images; CO7d, p. 259 Professional businesswoman using a digital tablet, londoneye/Getty Images; CO8a, p. 305 Pregnant woman, Kais Tolmats/Getty Images; CO8b, p. 304, Blue socks, Tatyana Nikitina/Getty Images; CO8d, p. 304, Infant’s filled milk bottle, Creative Crop/Getty Images; CO9a, p. 357, Boy holding globe over head, Jose Luis Pelaez Inc./Getty Images; CO9b, p. 356, Toy shark, Image Source/Getty Images; CO9c, p. 356, Reference books, notebooks, and pen, Christina Norwood/Getty Images; CO10a, p. 407, Black video conference camera, E+/Getty images; CO10b, p. 402, Computer keyboard, Kyoungil Jeon/Getty Images; CO10c, p. 403, Keys from a keyboard, spxChrome/Getty Images; CO10e, p. 402, Mask Jupiter, Images; CO11a, p. 440, CO11b, p. 440, Studio portrait of firefighter, Tetra Images/SuperStock; CO11c, p. 440, The rear of a parked New York City police car, © Paul Hakimata/Alamy; CO12a, p. 474, A car key and remote starter, Kathleen Wauters/Getty Images; CO12b, p. 475, Businessman at podium, Comstock/Getty Images; CO12c, p. 474, Light switch in the on position, Samuel Kessler/Getty Images; CO13a, p. 514, Young businessman sitting on swivel chair, allindiaimages/SuperStock; CO13b, p. 515, Young woman standing and smiling, Glow Asia/SuperStock; CO13c, p.v514, Pipe stem, Plains People, © The Trustees of the British Museum/Art Resource, NY; CO14, p. 552, Four sides of cardboard box with jute and packaging tape, pixhook/Getty Images; CO14b, p. 553, Father and daughter, Edward Carlile Portraits/Getty Images; CO14c, p. 552, Two long-stemmed roses on a laptop computer, cpaquin/Getty Images

Video still images credit:

Chapter 3, Worldwide Features/Barcroft Media/Landov; Chapter 6, Jiri Rezac/-Polaris/Newscom; All other chapters, WHF/Worth archive Silhouettes on page i: Businessman on podium: Comstock/Getty Images; Officer: Exactostock/Superstock; Standing woman: Glow Asia/Superstock; Woman Pointing: Blue Jean Images/Superstock; Runner: Photodisc/Getty Images; Father/Daughter: Edward Carlie Portraits/Getty Images; Depressed Man: elkor/Getty Images; Man sitting: allindiaimages/Superstock; Firefighter: Tetra Images/Superstock; Baseball Player: Photodisc/Getty Images


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