Scientific American: Psychology
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Animals of both species can be assessed using many of the “big five” factors used to describe humans.

Anybody who has taken an undergraduate psychology course or filled out one of those online tests is probably familiar with the “big five” personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. For example, if you identify with the statement “I talk to a lot of different people at parties,” you might score high on extraversion. An individual’s personality is thought to be fairly stable by adulthood, and the idea that it can be measured by just a handful of factors goes back at least a century.

But humans are not the only species whose personalities can be quantified along these lines; caregivers in zoos, sanctuaries, and other captive environments commonly assess the personalities of animals, based on months or years spent observing and interacting with them. The specifics vary among species (for example, newts can be scored for their libidinousness and zebra finches and rhesus macaques for boldness), but the underlying notion that personality can be described by a small set of factors remains the same. Now research suggests that animals as widely divergent as chimpanzees and killer whales have surprisingly similar personality profiles.

A team of researchers led by University of Edinburgh primatologist Drew Altschul amassed a quarter-century of chimp personality surveys. After passing data from 538 individual chimpanzees through a statistical model, Altschul and his team found that chimpanzee personality can be reduced to the same five traits applied to humans—plus a sixth known as dominance, which reflects the apes’ “competitive prowess [and] social competence,” they write. The results were published online . . . in eLife.

That chimpanzees and humans have similar personality profiles makes some sense, given that the two species are so closely related. But what about our more distant cousins? Primatologist Yulán Úbeda of the University of Girona in Catalonia was recently busy preparing a lecture for staffers at the Loro Parque zoo in the Canary Islands. She decided to see if any personality research had been conducted with killer whales, one of the zoo’s main attractions. “Not only were there no studies of personality in killer whales,” but the only such cetacean studies she could find were limited to bottlenose dolphins, she says—and these did not utilize statistical techniques to reduce those personality metrics to a handful of factors. Úbeda asked trainers and researchers caring for 24 killer whales at three facilities in Spain and the United States to complete a survey originally designed to assess chimpanzee personality (though not the same survey Altschul used).

Killer whale personalities cluster into four traits, according to Úbeda’s study, which was published . . . in the Journal of Comparative Psychology. The first three are extraversion, dominance, and carefulness; the fourth can be thought of as a combination of conscientiousness and agreeableness. When Úbeda compared these findings with the results of her own earlier research with chimpanzees, she found that the personality structures of the two species were quite similar (even though chimpanzee personality has six factors rather than four).

Given the differences in both habitat and neuroanatomy, not to mention the 94 million years that have passed since chimps and whales shared a common ancestor, Úbeda says she had not expected the two animals’ personality traits to align so well with each other—or with those of humans. Still, “there’s something about their social environment that has created this similarity in personality,” says Justin Gregg, senior research associate at the Dolphin Communication Project, who was not involved in the study. Indeed, he explains, chimps and killer whales are both known for complex cognition, large brains relative to body size, and cultural learning—also features of our own species—and have similar societal structures as well…

Jason G. Goldman. Reproduced with permission. Copyright 2019 Scientific American, a division of Nature America, Inc. All rights reserved.


1Although the blank were developed over a century ago to measure human personality traits, sanctuaries and other captive environments commonly assess the personalities of animals.
2There appears to be some overlap in the personality traits observed in humans, killer whales, and chimpanzees. For example, in all three species, blank is associated with blank.
3New research has found that chimpanzees and humans shared similar personality traits, however a sixth personality dimension was identified among the chimps. Which is the sixth trait found in chimpanzees?
4Killer whales (orcas) were found to have four personality traits: extraversion, dominance, carefulness, and the last one is a combination of:
5Researchers analyzed a quarter-century of chimp personality surveys and compared them to surveys collected on the personalities of killer whales. The difference between the two species was found to be blank:
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Chapter 1. Chapter 12

From the pages


1.1 Quiz


_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

Although the _____ were developed over a century ago to measure human personality traits, sanctuaries and other captive environments commonly assess the personalities of animals.



_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

There appears to be some overlap in the personality traits observed in humans, killer whales, and chimpanzees. For example, in all three species, _______ is associated with _______.



_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

New research has found that chimpanzees and humans shared similar personality traits, however a sixth personality dimension was identified among the chimps. Which is the sixth trait found in chimpanzees?



_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

Killer whales (orcas) were found to have four personality traits: extraversion, dominance, carefulness, and the last one is a combination of:



_max_tries:1 _feedback_correct: Correct. _feedback_incorrect: Incorrect.

Researchers analyzed a quarter-century of chimp personality surveys and compared them to surveys collected on the personalities of killer whales. The difference between the two species was found to be _____:
