Think about two relationships that you have had. These can be romantic relationships or friendships. One relationship should be one that you have personally ended, and the other should be a successful relationship which is ongoing that you enjoy.
Please think about the relationship that you have ended.
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Now, please think about the ongoing successful relationship.
Press the space bar
to begin the
How rewarding was this relationship? (1=not at all, 9=extremely)
How costly was this relationship? (1=not at all, 9=extremely)
In general, how appealing were your alternatives? (1=not at all appealing, 9=extremely appealing)
All things considered, were there objects/persons/activities that you would lose if this relationship ended? (1=none, 9=many)
How rewarding is this relationship? (1=not at all, 9=extremely)
How costly is this relationship? (1=not at all, 9=extremely)
In general, how appealing are your alternatives? (1=not at all appealing, 9=extremely appealing)
All things considered, are there objects/persons/activities that you would lose if this relationship ended? (1=none, 9=many)