Chapter Wrapup

The basics described in this chapter cover the process of remote sensing and how a digital image can be formed from the measurement of electromagnetic energy reflection. Remote sensing provides a valuable technique for a variety of applications, including monitoring the health of vegetation and mapping land cover. See the Apps, Blogs, and Social Media box for some YouTube videos and other social media outlets as they relate to remote sensing and this chapter’s concepts. In the next chapter you’ll be looking at how these concepts can be applied to perform remote sensing from a satellite platform in space. Remotely sensed imagery is used for numerous applications—Chapters 11 and 12 will examine different types of remote sensing platforms and look at some of the uses to which their imagery is put, including assessment of air pollution, wildfire monitoring, and measurements of water quality.

The lab for this chapter uses a free program called MultiSpec to examine a digital remotely sensed image as well as different band combinations and color composites.

Important note: The references for this chapter are part of the online companion for this book and can be found at

Apps, Blogs, and Social Media

Here’s a sampling of some blogs and social media outlets related to this chapter’s concepts.

For further up-to-date info, read up on this blog:

  • ArcGIS Resources – Imagery Category (blog posts concerning topics related to working with remotely sensed imagery):

Become a follower on Twitter of:

  • USGS Land Cover (the USGS Land Cover Institute): @USGSLandCover

On YouTube, watch the videos of the following:

  • Google Earth Outreach (a Google channel on YouTube showcasing how geospatial technology, including remotely sensed imagery, is applied in numerous areas of study):
  • Monitoring Forests from the Ground to the Cloud (a Google Earth Outreach video showing how remotely sensed imagery is used for monitoring deforestation):
  • San Francisco-True& (a video showing the differences between true color and false color composites using Landsat 7 bands):