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Chapter 1. Excerpts from “Up” Documentary: Three Girls from Working-Class Backgrounds

Human Development Video Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.
three woman friends in urban context
Eugenio Marongiu/Shutterstock

Excerpts from “Up” Documentary: Three Girls from Working-Class Backgrounds

Estimated Completion Time:

Approximately 5 minutes.


In the following excerpt, we are introduced to Jackie, Lynn, and Sue, three girls from working-class backgrounds. The girls are interviewed at age seven and then again at ages 14, 21, and 28, in years spanning from 1964 to 1985.

The girls discuss their perspectives on marriage. As you view the video clip, take note of the ways in which their lives turn out similar or different from the predictions of their younger selves.

three woman friends in urban context
Eugenio Marongiu/Shutterstock


One of the enduring themes that will be woven throughout your study of how children develop is the theme of how the sociocultural context influences development. How might the sociocultural context have influenced the girls’ perspectives on marriage and family and the discrepancy between the seven-year-olds’ predictions and the young adults’ reality? In what ways are the conversations today’s young adults have about marriage and family similar and different to the conversations in the clip?

Consider the economic structure and cultural values within the historical era in which these girls were growing up and how these factors have may have changed or remained the same since this film was produced.

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