Table : Table 4-1: Characteristics of the Planets
 The Inner (Terrestrial) Planets
Average distance from Sun (106 km)57.9108.2149.6227.9
Average distance from Sun (AU)0.3870.72311.524
Orbital period (years)0.2410.61511.88
Orbital eccentricity0.2060.0070.0170.093
Inclination of orbit to the ecliptic7.00°3.39°0.00°1.85°
Equatorial diameter (km)488012,10412,7566794
Equatorial diameter (Earth = 1)0.3830.94910.533
Mass (kg)3.302 × 10234.868 × 10245.974 × 10246.418 × 1023
Mass (Earth = 1)0.05530.81510.1074
Average density (kg/m3)5430524355153934
 The Outer (Jovian) Planets
Average distance from Sun (106 km)778.3142928714498
Average distance from Sun (AU)5.2039.55419.19430.066
Orbital period (years)11.8629.4694.1164.86
Orbital eccentricity0.0480.0530.0430.01
Inclination of orbit to the ecliptic1.30°2.48°0.77°1.77°
Equatorial diameter (km)142,984120,53651,11849,528
Equatorial diameter (Earth = 1)11.2099.4494.0073.883
Mass (kg)1.899 × 10275.685 × 10268.682 × 10251.024 × 1026
Mass (Earth = 1)317.895.1614.5317.15
Average density (kg/m3)132668713181638