| The Inner (Terrestrial) Planets |
| Mercury | Venus | Earth | Mars |
Average distance from Sun (106 km) | 57.9 | 108.2 | 149.6 | 227.9 |
Average distance from Sun (AU) | 0.387 | 0.723 | 1 | 1.524 |
Orbital period (years) | 0.241 | 0.615 | 1 | 1.88 |
Orbital eccentricity | 0.206 | 0.007 | 0.017 | 0.093 |
Inclination of orbit to the ecliptic | 7.00° | 3.39° | 0.00° | 1.85° |
Equatorial diameter (km) | 4880 | 12,104 | 12,756 | 6794 |
Equatorial diameter (Earth = 1) | 0.383 | 0.949 | 1 | 0.533 |
Mass (kg) | 3.302 × 1023 | 4.868 × 1024 | 5.974 × 1024 | 6.418 × 1023 |
Mass (Earth = 1) | 0.0553 | 0.815 | 1 | 0.1074 |
Average density (kg/m3) | 5430 | 5243 | 5515 | 3934 |
| The Outer (Jovian) Planets |
| Jupiter | Saturn | Uranus | Neptune |
Average distance from Sun (106 km) | 778.3 | 1429 | 2871 | 4498 |
Average distance from Sun (AU) | 5.203 | 9.554 | 19.194 | 30.066 |
Orbital period (years) | 11.86 | 29.46 | 94.1 | 164.86 |
Orbital eccentricity | 0.048 | 0.053 | 0.043 | 0.01 |
Inclination of orbit to the ecliptic | 1.30° | 2.48° | 0.77° | 1.77° |
Equatorial diameter (km) | 142,984 | 120,536 | 51,118 | 49,528 |
Equatorial diameter (Earth = 1) | 11.209 | 9.449 | 4.007 | 3.883 |
Mass (kg) | 1.899 × 1027 | 5.685 × 1026 | 8.682 × 1025 | 1.024 × 1026 |
Mass (Earth = 1) | 317.8 | 95.16 | 14.53 | 17.15 |
Average density (kg/m3) | 1326 | 687 | 1318 | 1638 |