Page numbers in italics indicate figures and captions.
A ring (Saturn), 180, 181, 182
Abell, George O., 340
Abell 39 (nebula), 271
Abell 2029 (galaxy cluster), 340
absolute magnitude, 232
absolute zero, 39, 368
of photons, 45–46
absorption line spectra, 46–47, 235, 237, 239–240
acceleration, 77–78
of protoplanets, 103
see also circumstellar accretion disk; core accretion model
accretion disk
black hole, 293
active galactic nuclei (AGNs), 348–351
active galaxies, 348
actuators, 55
adaptive optics, 55
Adrastea (moon), 182
AGB stars, see asymptotic giant branch stars
air resistance, 81
Aldebaran, 243, 246
Alexandria, Egypt, 64, 65
Alexandrian school of astronomy, 64
Algol, 240, 296
ALH 84001 (meteorite), 196–197
alien civilizations
radio searches for, 200–201
Allen Telescope Array, 200–201
Alpha (α) Centauri, 232, 233, A-6
alpha particles, 265
Amazon rain forest, 133
ammonia ice, 94
Anasazi culture, 286
ancient astronomy, 64–69
eclipse warnings, 26
Andes, 127
Andromeda constellation, 9, 10
Andromeda Galaxy (M31), 51, 328, 331, 337, 364–365
age of, 351
black hole in, 350–351
predicted collision with Milky Way, 342
and measuring distance, 12
angstrom (Å), 38
angular diameter, 12
angular distance, 12
angular momentum, conservation of, 101
angular resolution, 54–55
annular solar eclipses, 25–26
Antarctic Circle, 16
Antarctic ice shelf, 135
Mars meteorite at, 196
ozone hole over, 134
Antares, 97, 243, 282
Antennae (galaxies), 343
antineutrinos, 372, 373
aphelion, 75
apparent brightness, 232–233
apparent magnitude scale, 231–232
apparent magnitudes, 231–232
apparent motion
of planets, 69
of stars, 13
Aquila (the Eagle), 8
Ara (the Altar), 251
arcminutes (arcmin), 12
arcseconds (arcsec), 12
Arctic Circle, 16
global warming, 135
Arctic Ocean
ice rafting, 163
Arcturus, 7, 243
Ares Valles (Mars), 160
on Earth, 118
on Jupiter, 173
Aristarchus of Samos, 64–65, 69
armless spirals, see lenticular galaxies
Arnett, W. David, 318
asterisms, 5
asteroid belt, 95
asteroids, 6, 95–96
moons of, 91
asthenosphere, 124, 127, 129
Astronomical Almanac, 25
astronomical distances, 66
astronomical unit (AU), 65, 66
astronomy, 2
asymptotic giant-branch (AGB) stars, 268–269, 270
atmosphere (atm), 119
atmospheric pressure, 119
Auriga (the Charioteer), 8
aurorae, 129, 131–132, 223
autumn, 16
average mass density
of matter and radiation, 377
B ring (Saturn), 180, 182
B stars, see O and B stars
Baade, Walter, 346
Babcock, Horace, 219
Balch, Emily Greene, 149
Barnard 86, 254
Barnard’s Star, 230, A-6
barred spiral (SB) galaxies, 331, 332, 334
Bell, Jocelyn, 287
Bellatrix, 7
belts and zones
on Jupiter, 168, 169, 171, 173
on Neptune, 176
on Saturn, 168, 169
beryllium, 97, 266
Bessel, Friedrich Wilhelm, 230
BETA (Billion-channel Extra Terrestrial Assay), 200
Beta (β) Lyrae, 296
Betelgeuse, 7, 228, 234, 239, 243, 282
Big Bang, 97, 360, 365–367
Big Dipper, 7–8, 12, 240
binary star systems (binaries)
and black holes, 290–292, 293
and Kepler’s third law, 240
and novae, 295–296
and stellar masses, 240–242
biosphere, 132
black holes, 5, 6, 280
and active galactic nuclei, 350–351
folklore, 291
formation of, 288–289, 292
nonrotating, 290
spacetime and, 289, 290
strength of gravity in, 290
see also supermassive black holes
blackbodies, 41–42
Stefan-Boltzmann law for, 43
blackbody curves, 41–42
cosmic microwave background, 368
blackbody radiation, laws of, 44–45
blue light, 48
blue stars, 227, 228, 234–235
spiral galaxies, 331
Bohr, Niels, 45
BOOMERANG experiment, 371, 375
Boötes (the Shepherd), 7
Brahe, Tycho, 74
brightness variations
active galactic nuclei and quasars, 348–349
see also apparent brightness
brown dwarfs, 237, 238, 244, 272
brown ovals, 171
Bunsen, Robert, 47, 49
C (crepe) ring (Saturn), 180, 182
Callisto (Jupiter moon), 92, A-10
Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, 58
Canis Major (the Large Dog), 8
Canis Major Dwarf, 337, 338, 342
Canis Minor (the Small Dog), 8
Cannon, Annie Jump, 235
and life-forms, 190
in stars, 262, 266
in universe, 97
carbon cycle
on Earth, 119
carbon dioxide
on Earth, 118, 155
and global warming, 134–135
and life, 199
on Mars, 157
carbon dioxide ice, 94
on Mars, 159
carbon fusion, 280, 281
white dwarfs, 294
carbon monoxide
and life-forms, 190–191
carbonates, 118, 197
Cascades, 127
Cassini, Gian Domenico, 169, 171, 180
Cassini division, 180, 181, 182
Cassini mission, 178
Cassini spacecraft, 169, 171
Cassiopeia A (supernova remnant), 257, 346
Cassiopeia constellation, 346
celestial equator, 13, 15
celestial sphere, 10–13, 66–67
mapping, 57
motions of, 11–13
Sun’s movement on, 14, 15
Celsius, Anders, 39
Celsius temperature scale, 39
center of mass, 241–242
central bulge, 306, 307, 308, 311
of barred spirals, 332
of lenticular galaxies, 333
of spiral galaxies, 331
Cepheid variable stars, 304–305
and distance determinations, 329, 330
period-luminosity relations, 329
as standard candles, 335, 361
Ceraunius Tholus (Mars volcano), 147
Ceres, 95
Chandra X-ray Observatory, 56, 292, 321, 351
Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan, 272
Chandrasekhar limit, 272, 273
charge-coupled devices (CCDs), 57–58
Chassigny (meteorite), 196
chemical differentiation, 103, 123
spectral lines of, 49
Chinese astronomers, 217
chlorofluorocarbons, 133
chocolate chip cake analogy, 361, 364
chromosphere, 214–215
CHXR 73 B (brown dwarf), 238
circumpolar stars, 11, 12
circumstellar accretion disk, 256
Clark, Alvan, 272
climate variation, 132–133
closed universe, 374, 375
of Jupiter, 171, 172
of Neptune, 175, 176
of Saturn, 172
of Venus, 88, 157
clusters (of galaxies), 6, 337–340
dark matter in, 346
see also globular clusters
clusters (of stars)
and dark nebulae, 258–259
COBE, see Cosmic Background Explorer
Coma Berenices (Berenice’s Hair), 338
Coma cluster (of galaxies), 338, 344
Comet Hale-Bopp, 97
comet tails, 97
comets, 6, 96–97
crash into Jupiter, 143–144
and life-forms, 191
orbits of, 75
Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory, 56, 57
condensation temperature, 102
conduction, 210
conservation of angular momentum, 101
constellations, 7–8
continental drift, 126
continuous spectrum, 46, 47–49
of stars, 235
convection, 120, 210, 211
and plate motion, 127
in red dwarfs, 261
of supergranules, 213
convective zone, 211, 212, 220
Copernican model of orbit shapes, 71
Copernicus, Nicolaus, 70–72
core accretion model, 104
core bounce, 281, 282
core collapse, 281
core-collapse supernovae, 282–283, 286, 295
core fusion, 282
core hydrogen fusion, 264
corona, 214, 215–216, 221
Corona Australis (the Southern Crown), 254
coronal holes, 216
coronal mass ejections, 221–222
Corvus (the Crow), 343
Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), 306, 368, 370, 371
cosmic background radiation, see cosmic microwave background
cosmic dust, 102
cosmic light horizon, 367
cosmic microwave background, 200, 368, 369, 370, 375
cosmological expansion, 376
cosmological principle, 365
cosmological redshift, 364–365
cosmology, 360, 365
Crab Nebula, 279
Crab pulsar, 287
and geologic activity, 144–145
on Mars, 143, 146
on Moon, 143, 144, 145
in solar system, 88
on Venus, 146, 149
see also impact craters
Crux (the Southern Cross), 7
Curiosity rover, 160, 161, 195–196
Curtis, Heber D., 329
Cygnus (the Swan), 8, 9, 10, 57, 346
Cygnus A (3C 405), 346, 347
Cygnus X-1, 292
dark energy, 375, 377–378
dark-energy–dominated universe, 378
dark matter, 302, 312, 314–315, 328, 344, 345–346
dark-matter halos, 344
dark-matter problem, 344
dark nebulae, 253, 254, 255, 314
and star formation, 258, 259
dark side of the Moon, 20
Darwin telescope, 199
day-night cycle, 9, 14
De revolutionibus orbium coelestium (On the Revolutions of the Celestial Sphere), 72
deforestation, 133
degeneracy, 267
degenerate-electron pressure, 267, 268
white dwarfs, 272–273
degenerate-neutron pressure, 286
degree (°), 12
Celsius (°C) and Fahrenheit (°F), 39
evolution of, 369
density-wave model, 315–316, 317, 318
density waves, 316–317
Dicke, Robert, 367, 368
Dietz, Robert, 126
differential rotation
of Sun, 217, 219–220
Digitized Sky Survey Project, 286
distance ladder, 336
distance-measuring techniques, 336
Dodo-Goldilocks trench (Mars), 160
Doppler, Christian, 49–50
Doppler effect, 49–50
and radial velocity method, 108
double stars, 240
Drake, Frank, 197
Drake equation, 198–199
Dressler, Alan, 352
dwarf elliptical galaxies, 331n, 333
dwarf planets, 96
Eagle Nebula, 258
Earth, 115, 116
abundances of elements on, 122
atmosphere of, 55, 118–121, 129, 155, 156, 158
average density of, 91
axis of rotation of, 13
characteristics of, 98
convection cells and, 120
cores of, 123, 124, 125, 129
craters on, 143, 144
crust of, 123, 124, 125–126, 129
daily motion and rotation of, 9–10
diameter of, 64, 65
energy absorbed by and emitted from, 121
and global warming, 135–136
ice rafts, 163
interior of, 129
interior temperatures, 124, 125
internal structure, 123, 124
and Kepler’s third law, 76
life on and water, 118
magnetic field of, 130–132
mantle of, 123, 124–125, 127, 129
measuring, 64, 65
orbit of and yearly motion, 10
orbit shape changes, 132
orbital data, A-1
physical data of, 90, A-1
rotation axis, 132–133
seasons of, 13–17
sidereal period of, 71
surface features, 154
surface temperatures of, 121, 122
temperatures of, 119–120, 135–136
tectonic plates of, 125–126
volcanoes on, 151
water on, 88, 116–118, 155
water cycle of, 116–117
Earth-Jupiter distance, 34
Earth-Moon distance, 64
Earth-Moon system, 17, 91
Earth-Sun distance, 14, 64, 71
earthquakes, 123–124
plate boundaries, 127
eccentricity (of an ellipse), 75, 89
eclipse path, 24, 25
eclipses, 21–26
conditions for, 22
ecliptic, 14, 15, 17, 67
ecliptic plane, 14, 15, 21, 22
Eddington, Sir Arthur, 350
Eddington limit, 350
Egyptian mythology
and Milky Way, 302
Einstein, Albert, 34, 43–44, 206–207, 289, 361, 365, 375
El Niño phenomenon, 132
electromagnetic energy, 36
electromagnetic radiation, 36–37
electromagnetic spectrum, 37–38
electromagnetic waves
frequency and wavelength of, 38
electromagnetism, 372–373
electron orbits, 45–46
origin of, 97–100
Elliot, James L., 183
ellipses, 74, 75
elliptical (E) galaxies, 331, 332–333, 334
formation of, 352, 353
elongation (of planets), 70
emission line spectra, 46, 47
planetary nebulae, 270, 271
emission lines
active galactic nuclei, 348–349
of chromosphere spectrum, 214
of T Tauri stars, 255
emission nebulae, 253
Emperor Seamount Chain, 151
Enceladus, 116, 182
Encke Gap, 181
energy flux (F), 43, 238
Epsilon Eridani, 197, A-6
equinoxes, 15–16
era of recombination, 370, 371
Eratosthenes, 64
Eris, 96
escape speeds
of planets, A-2
ethane, liquid, 176
in science, 4
Europa (Jupiter moon), 92, 162–164, A-10
ice on, 93, 94, 162, 163, 193
water on, 92, 116, 192–193
European Space Agency (ESA), 230
evening star, 70
event horizon, 290
extrasolar planets
detecting through Doppler shift of star, 108
first direct images of, 107
microlensing of, 109–110
searches for, 105–110, 199–200
transiting, 108
extremophiles, 194
eyepiece lens, 51
F ring, 181, 182
Fahrenheit, Gabriel, 39
Fahrenheit temperature scale, 39
false-color images, 40
far-infrared wavelengths, 306
far side of the Moon, 20
first quarter moon, 17, 18
Fisher, Richard, 336
flake tectonics, 149, 150
flame front, 295
Flame Nebula, 255
flat universe, 374, 375
Fleming, Williamina, 235
flocculent spiral galaxy, 318
fluid resistance
in collision of galaxy clusters, 346
focal length (of lens), 51, 52
focal point, 52
focus (of an ellipse), 74
force, 77
forces, fundamental, 372–373
fossil fuels
burning of and global warming, 134
frequency, 38
friction, 77
full moon, 18
eclipses at, 22, 23
galactic cannibalism, 342–344
galactic center, 303, 305, 307, 312, 313, 320–321
galactic collisions, 346, 353
galactic deformation, 342
galactic disks, 303, 306–308, 312
of lenticular galaxies, 333, 334
of spiral galaxies, 332
and star formation, 254
galactic halo, 303, 307
dark matter, 315
lenticular galaxies, 334
galactic nucleus, 306, 307, 320–321
galaxies, 5, 6, 302–303, 328, 348
black hole masses in, 350–351
colors of, 352
distances to and redshifts of, 361–363
formation of, 371
gravitational fields of, 361
and gravitational lensing, 345
Hubble classification of, 331
properties of, 331
quasars in, 347–348
redshifts of, 363–364
sheets of, 340
stellar birthrate in, 353
supermassive black holes in, 350
and voids, 339, 340
see also clusters (of galaxies); dwarf elliptical galaxies; elliptical galaxies; irregular galaxies; lenticular galaxies; spiral arms; spiral galaxies; starburst galaxies; superclusters (of galaxies)
galaxy collisions, 340–342, 343
galaxy formation, 351–353
galaxy maps, 339–340
galaxy mergers, 342
Gale Crater (Mars), 161
Galilei, Galileo, 3, 34, 72–74, 179, 217
Galileo Probe, 172–173
Galileo spacecraft, 9, 17, 152, 153, 162, 163, 164, 171, 172
gamma rays, 37, 38
Ganymede (Jupiter moon), 92
gas giants, see Jupiter; Neptune; outer planets; Saturn; Uranus
Gemini (the Twins), 8
Gemini North Observatory, 54
Gemini North telescope, 105, 241
Genzel, Reinhard, 320
geocentric (Earth-centered) model, 66–68
Georgi, Howard, 372
geothermal vents
life at, 193–194
Ghez, Andrea, 320
giant elliptical galaxies, 333
Giant Magellan Telescope, 52–53, 54
giant stars, 240
Gibson, Everett, 197
Glacier National Park (Montana), 136
and global warming, 135–136
Glashow, Sheldon, 372
global warming, 133, 134–136
globular clusters
Milky Way, 303, 304–305, 307
stellar evolution in, 269
Gondwana, 126
gossamer rings, 182
grand unified theories (GUTs), 372–373
grand-design spiral galaxy, 318
granulation, 213
of photosphere, 213
gravitation, 3, 64, 372, 373
and orbits, 81
gravitation, law of universal, 80
gravitation, universal constant of, 80
gravitational energy
and core-collapse supernovae, 283, 295
gravitational force, 79
gravitational lensing, 345
and star formation, 254
and stellar evolution, 252
gray hematite, 195
Great Attractor, 339
Great Dark Spot (Neptune), 175
Great Nebula in Andromeda, 328
Great Nebula in Orion, 7
Great Observatories, 56
Great Red Spot (Jupiter), 168, 171, 172
greatest eastern elongation, 70
greatest western elongation, 70
Greek mythology
and Milky Way, 302
greenhouse effect, 121, 122, 135
runaway, 156
greenhouse gases, 121, 133, 135
Greenland ice cap, 136
Grinnell Glacier, 136
groups (of galaxies), 337
see also Local Group
Gruithuisen, Franz von, 143
Gunn, James, 352
GUTs, see grand unified theories
Hale, George Ellery, 217–218
Hawaiian Islands
volcanism, 151
HD 65750, 262, 263
heavy elements
origin of, 262–263, 266, 367
from supernovae, 280
Heezen, Bruce C., 126
heliocentric (Sun-centered) model, 69–72
helioseismology, 212
high abundance of, 367
hydrogen conversion to, 207, 212
on Jupiter and Saturn, 169–170
in universe, 97
helium, liquid
on Neptune and Uranus, 176
helium “rainfall,” 170
helium flash, 265–267
helium fusion, 281
on neutron stars, 297
in red giants, 262, 264–267
Hellas Planitia (Mars), 148
Henize 2-47 (planetary nebula), 269
Henry Draper Catalogue, 235
Hercules Cluster (of galaxies), 337
Herschel, John, 240
Herschel, Sir William, 37, 240, 302, 303
hertz (Hz), 38
Hertz, Heinrich, 37, 38
Hertzsprung, Ejnar, 242
Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagrams, 242–247
Hess, Harry, 126
Hewish, Anthony, 287
HH30, 256
High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HIRISE), 194
High Resolution Microwave Survey (HRMS), 200
High Resolution Stereo Camera, 195
high-mass stars
core-collapse supernovae, 282–283
end states of, 280
heavy-element fusion in, 280
structure of, 281
High-Z Supernova Search Team, 377
Himalayas, 128
Hindu stories
and Milky Way, 302
Hipparchus, 230
Hipparcos (High Precision Parallax Collecting Satellite), 230
homogeneous universe, 365
Hooke, Robert, 168
horizontal-branch stars, 268, 269
hot-spot volcanism, 151–152
hot spots, 374–375
Hubble, Edwin, 328, 329, 330, 360, 361, 363
tuning fork diagram, 334
Hubble classification (of galaxies), 331
Hubble constant, 363–364, 366
Hubble flow, 364–365
Hubble law, 363–364, 365, 366, 376
Hubble Space Telescope (HST), 5, 56, 231, 232, 241
and Cepheid variables, 335
circumstellar accretion disks, 256
dark matter searches, 346
extrasolar planets, 105
quasar host galaxies, 348
SN 1987A, 285\
supermassive black hole, 292
Veil Nebula, 286
white dwarfs, 272
human eye
light sensitivity of, 37
human population data
and biosphere, 133
Humason, Milton, 361
Huygens, Christiaan, 36, 179–180
Hydra-Centaurus (supercluster of galaxies), 369
conversion to helium, 207, 212
on Earth, 118
on Jupiter and Saturn, 169–170
liquid molecular, 176
mapping in Milky Way, 308–310
in universe, 97
hydrogen atom, 45, 46, 78, 369–370
hydrogen fusion, 281, 367
AGB stars, 270
main-sequence lifetime, 243, 258–259, 260
on white dwarfs, 296, 297
see also core hydrogen fusion; proton-proton chain
hydrogen gas
and galaxy collisions, 341
hydrogen spectral lines, 239–240
hydrostatic equilibrium, 209
and stellar evolution, 252
hypotheses, 2–3
Iapetus (moon), 141, 142
IC 2220 (nebula), 262
IC 4182 (galaxy), 330
IC 4593 (planetary nebula), 269
in comets, 97
on Earth, 116, 117, 136
on Europa, 93, 94, 162, 163, 193
on Mars, 159, 160, 161, 194
on Neptune, 175
in solar nebula, 102
on Titan, 178
on Triton, 179
on Uranus, 175
see also ammonia ice; carbon dioxide ice; methane ice; nitrogen ice
ice ages, 133
ice giant planets, see Neptune; Uranus
ice rafts, 163
igneous rock, 130
impact craters, 143–144
Moon, 145
inferior conjunction, 70, 71
inflation, 372
inflationary epoch, 371–372
Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), 57, 306
infrared energy
and temperatures, 121, 122
infrared (IR) light, 37, 38, 39–40
infrared telescopes
and dark nebulae, 255
inner (terrestrial) planets, 88
atmospheres of, 155–159
average densities of, 91
characteristics of, 98
chemical composition, 94
diameters of, 90
formation of, 103, 104
iron cores of, 103
masses of, 90–91
physical properties of, 89–91
temperatures of, 95
see also Earth; Mars; Mercury; Venus
International Space Station, 63
interstellar gas and dust, 6
and birth of solar system, 100
and galaxy collisions, 340, 343
in Milky Way, 302–303, 306
in spiral galaxies, 332
and star formation, 252–258
and supernova remnants, 257, 258
interstellar medium, 252–253
elements from supernovae, 295
and planetary nebulae, 271
and supernovae remnants, 285
intracluster gas, 340
inverse-square law, 232–233
Io (Jupiter moon), 92, A-10
volcanoes on, 152–153
in Earth’s interior, 122–123
in solar system, 91
in universe, 97
iron cores
of inner planets, 103
irregular cluster of galaxies, 338
irregular (Irr) galaxies, 331, 334
isotropic universe, 365
James Webb Space Telescope, 56
Jesuit observers, 73
Joule, James, 42
joules (J), 42–43
Jupiter, 168
atmosphere of, 169, 171, 172, 177
average density of, 169
belts and zones of, 168, 169, 171, 173
characteristics of, 99
chemical composition of, 94
clouds, 171, 172
composition of, 169–170
diameter of, 90
interior of, 170, 177
moons of, 73–74, 91, A-2, A-10
observing, 168–169
orbital data, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
ring system, 182–183
rotation of, 168–169
storm systems, 88
surface of, 177
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures of, 95, 172
wind speeds on, 173
Jupiter-Sun distance, 71
Kant, Immanuel, 100
Keck I and Keck II telescopes (Mauna Kea, Hawaii), 53, 58, 241
Kelvin, Lord, 39
Kelvin temperature scale, 39
Kepler, Johannes, 74–77, 89
Kepler mission, 199
Kepler’s first law, 74, 75
Kepler’s laws, 74–77
and Newton’s description of gravity, 79
Kepler’s second law (law of equal areas), 75, 76
Kepler’s third law, 76
for binary star systems, 240
Kieffer, Susan, 153
Kirchhoff, Gustav, 46, 47, 49
Kirchhoff-Bunsen experiment, 47, 49
Kirchhoff’s laws, 46–47
on Jupiter, 173
Kuiper belt, 96
Laplace, Pierre-Simon de, 100
Large Magellanic Cloud, 47, 258
and Milky Way, 342
SN 1987A, 284
Larsen B ice shelf, 135
last quarter moon, see third quarter moon
Laurasia, 126
lava, magnetized, 130
lava flows
on Venus and Mars, 152–155
law of equal areas (Kepler’s second law), 75
law of universal gravitation, 80
Leavitt, Henrietta, 304
Lehmann, Inge, 124
lenses (of telescopes), 51
lenticular galaxies, 333, 334
Leo I (dwarf elliptical galaxy), 333
Lick Observatory, 51, 295–296
appearance of, on Earth, 118–119
conditions for, 191–192
environment-altering, 132
and liquid water, 192–193
comets and
and Mars meteorites, 196
search for, 190
characteristics of, 35
colors of, 35–36
Doppler effect, 49–50
as electromagnetic energy, 36
electromagnetic spectrum of, 37
gravitational bending of, 344–345
and temperature, 38–43
wave and particle properties of, 36, 43–44
wavelengths of, 33
light, reflected, 17
light, speed of, 34
light curves
of nova, 297
of supernovae, 295
light-gathering power (of telescopes), 50–51, 53
light quanta, 43
light rays
gravitational deflection of, 344–345
light scattering, 47, 48
light-year (ly), 65, 66
on Earth, 119
on Jupiter, 173
Lin, Chia Chiao, 316
Lindblad, Bertil, 316
line of nodes, 21, 22
liquid molecular hydrogen, 176
lithium, 97
lithosphere, 127, 129
LL Ori (star), 105
Local Group (of galaxies), 337, 338, 369
Local Supercluster, 339
Lowell Crater (Mars), 143
luminosity, 43, 232, 239
and apparent brightness, 232–233
Eddington limit, 350
of Sun, 44, 232
luminosity classes, 246
lunar day, 20
lunar eclipses, 21, 22–25
in 2014–2018, 23
lunar highlands, 145
lunar month, see synodic month
lunar phases, 17–20
Lynden-Bell, Donald, 350
Lyra (the Harp), 8
M15, 271
M16 (star cluster), 258
M31, see Andromeda Galaxy
M32, 328
M33 (galaxy), 337
M39 (star cluster), 227
M51, see Whirlpool Galaxy
M55 (globular cluster), 268, 269, 305
M80 (globular cluster), 304
M81 (galaxy), 33, 331, 332, 341–342
M82 (starburst galaxy), 340–342
M83 (Southern Pinwheel Galaxy), 310, 332
M84, 333, 338
M86, 333, 338
M100 (spiral galaxy), 329, 331, 335, 336, 338
M105, 333
M110, 328
Maat Mons (volcano), 153
Mab (moon of Uranus), 184
MACHOs, see massive compact halo objects
Magellan spacecraft, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152
magnetic-dynamo model, 219–220
magnetosphere, 130–131
telescopes and, 50, 52, 53
main sequence, 242–243, 245
main-sequence lifetime, 258, 260–263
main-sequence stars, 243, 245
masses of, 244, 245
mass-luminosity relation, 244
major axis (of an ellipse), 74
Manicouagan Reservoir (Quebec), 143
Maori people
and Milky Way, 302
March equinox, 15–16
mare basins (Moon), 145
Mars, 76, 142, 143
atmosphere of, 118, 155, 156, 157–158
characteristics of, 98
chemical composition of, 94
craters on, 143, 146
crust of, 149–151
geologic activity on, 151
gullies on, 161–162, 194
ice on, 159, 160, 161, 194
meteorites from 196
moons of, 91, A-2
orbital data, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
retrograde rotation of, 67–68
runaway icehouse effect, 157
search for life on, 193–197
seasons on, 159
spacecraft landings on, 160–162
surface features, 147, 154, 159, 160–162
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures of, 95, 157–159
topographic map of, 148
volcanoes, 146, 147, 151–155
water on, 155, 159, 160–162, 194–196
Mars Exploration Rovers (Spirit and Opportunity), 148, 160–161, 195
Mars Express spacecraft, 194, 195
Mars Global Surveyor, 147, 148, 161, 162
Mars Odyssey orbiter, 161
Mars Pathfinder, 148, 160
Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 87, 194
Mars-Sun distance, 71
mass, 78
mass-luminosity relation, 244
mass-radius relation
for white dwarfs, 272, 273
massive compact halo objects (MACHOs), 314–315
in universe, 369
Mauna Kea (volcano), Hawaii, 151
telescopes on, 58
Maury, Antonia, 235
MAXIMA experiment, 371, 375
McKay, David, 197
Mediterranean Sea, 126
Mercury, 76, 142, 143
atmosphere of, 156
characteristics of, 98
diameter of, 90
orbital data, 71, 75, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
surface of, 145–146, 154
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures of, 95
Mercury-Sun distance, 71
Meridiani Planum (Mars), 195
mesosphere, 119, 120, 129
Messier, Charles, 284, 328
Messier (M-) number, 328
astronomy definition of, 237
in spiral galaxies, 331
ancient, and life-forms, 191
from Mars, 196
methane, 135
on Jupiter, 174
on Neptune and Uranus, 176
on Uranus, 174–175
methane ice, 94
on Neptune, 175, 176
on Triton, 179
methane rainfall
on Titan, 176, 178
methyl bromide, 133
Metis (moon), 182
microlensing, 315
of extrasolar planets, 109–110
micrometers (microns), 38
microwave background, see cosmic microwave background
microwave photons, 369
microwave sky
map of, 368
microwaves, 38
Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 126
Milky Way Galaxy, 1, 2, 55, 57, 301, 302, 328
center of, 303, 305, 312, 320–321
central bulge, 306, 307, 308, 311
dark matter, 314–315
disk of, 303, 306–308, 312
globular clusters, 303, 304–305, 307
halo of, 303, 307, 308
and Large Magellanic Cloud, 342
and Local Group, 337–338
mapping hydrogen in, 308–310
mass of, 313
molecular clouds of, 311
planetary nebulae in, 270, 271
predicted collision with Andromeda Galaxy, 342
rotation of, 312–313
rotation curve, 313
shape and structure of, 302–303, 306–307
spiral arms, 308, 309–311, 318
spiral structure, 315–316
star formation in, 254, 318
star orbits, 307
stellar populations, 307–308
supernovae in, 286
supermassive black hole in, 321–322, 350, 351
Miller-Urey experiments, 191, 192
Mimas (moon), 181
Minkowski, Rudolph, 346
minor planets, see asteroids
Mintaka, 7
Mir space station, 24
reflecting telescopes, 52–53
Moon, 92
angular diameter of, 12
craters and cratering, 143, 144, 145
dark and far sides of, 20
diameter of, 65
during daytime, 18
light from, 17
orbital inclination of, 21
phases of, 17–20
sidereal and synodic months, 20–21
synchronous rotation of, 20
see also Earth-Moon system and entries under lunar
moonrise and moonset, 18
of solar system, 91–92, A-3–A-4
morning star, 70
motion, see apparent motion
Mount Everest, 128
Mount St. Helens, 155
Mount Wilson telescope, 361
mountain building, 128
Mueller, M. W., 318
multiple-star systems, 240
Muno, Michael, 322
MyCn18 (planetary nebula), 271
N44 (nebula), 47
Nakhla (meteorite), 196
nanometer (nm), 38
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), 200
Great Observatories, 56
Kepler observatory, 107
natural satellites, see moons
Nazca plate, 127
near-infrared wavelengths, 55, 306
nebulae, 5, 6, 253, 328
see also dark nebula; emission nebulae; planetary nebulae; reflection nebula; solar nebula
of stars, 97
neon fusion, 280, 281
Neptune, 76, 168
atmosphere of, 174–176
belts and zones of, 176
brightness of, 67
characteristics of, 99
clouds on, 175, 176
formation of, 104
ice on, 175
interior of, 176, 177
moons of, 91, 179, A-3
orbital data, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
and Pluto’s orbit, 96
rings of, 184
storms on, 175
surface of, 177
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures of, 95
water on, 176
Neptune-Sun distance, 71
neutrinos, 212, 282, 283
and supernovae, 295
neutron stars, 280, 285, 286–287
magnetic fields of, 287, 288
as pulsars, 287
and X-ray bursters, 297
from thermonuclear reactions of heavy elements, 281
new moon
and eclipses, 22
Newton, Isaac, 3, 35–36, 64, 74, 79–80, 360
Newton’s first law of motion, 77
Newton’s laws of motion, 77–79
Newton’s second law of motion, 77–78, 79
Newton’s third law of motion, 78–79, 80
Newtonian telescope, 52
NGC 628, 318
NGC 1337, 331
NGC 1365, 332
NGC 1531, 327, 328
NGC 1532, 327, 328
NGC 2024, 255
NGC 2264, 259, 260
NGC 3077, 341–342
NGC 3377, 333
NGC 3627, 292–293
NGC 4321, 331
NGC 4406, 333
NGC 4414, 318
NGC 4650, 332
NGC 4889, 338
NGC 5307, 269
NGC 5315, 269
NGC 5866, 334
NGC 6726-27-29 (reflection nebula), 254
NGC 7027, 271
NGC 7331, 307
NGC 8374, 338
night sky, 7–8, 10, 360, 366
nitrates, 119
on Earth, 118, 119, 155
in universe, 97
nitrogen cycle, 119
nitrogen ice
on Triton, 179
nitrous oxide, 135
Norma Arm, 311
North American plate, 128
north celestial pole, 13
north celestial sphere, 12, 13
North Star, see Polaris
northern lights (aurora borealis), 131, 223
northern solstice, 15, 16
nova (plural, novae), 293, 295–297
light curve of, 297
Nova Cygni 1975, 297
O and B stars
and emission nebulae, 253
in galaxy formation, 352, 353
hydrogen fusion in, 263
Milky Way, 307–308, 320
OBAFGKM sequence, 235–236
objective lens, 50, 51
objective mirror, 52
observable universe, 366, 367
and inflation, 372
Occam’s razor, 69
occultation, 183
oceanic rifts, 127
on Europa, 164
Olbers, Heinrich, 360
Olbers’s paradox, 360, 363, 366
Oldham, Richard Dixon, 124
Oliver, Bernard, 200
Olympus Mons, 94, 151, 152
1E0657-56 (galaxy cluster), 346
Oort cloud, 97
open universe, 374, 375
Opportunity rover, 195
opposition (of planets), 70
orbital eccentricities, 75, 89, A-1
orbital speeds, 75, 76
and gravitation, 81
shapes of, 71
sizes of, 71
Orion (the Hunter), 7, 8, 57
Orion Arm, 311
Orion Nebula, 253, 256
newborn stars in, 40
protoplanetary disks, 101
Orion’s sword, 101, 253
outer (Jovian) planets, 88
average densities of, 91
characteristics of, 99
chemical composition of, 94
diameters of, 90
formation of, 104
masses of, 90–91
physical properties of, 89–91
temperatures of, 95
see also Jupiter; Neptune; Saturn; Uranus
outside force, 77
on Earth, 118, 119, 155
in stars, 262, 266
in universe, 97
oxygen fusion, 280, 281
ozone, 120
and life, 199
ozone hole, 134
ozone layer, 129, 133–134
P (longitudinal) waves, 123–124
Pacific plate, 151
Pallas, 95
Pandora (moon), 181
Pangaea, 126, 127–128
and stellar distances, 228–230
parsecs, 229
partial lunar eclipse, 22, 23
partial solar eclipse, 24
Pater, Imke de, 184
Pati, Jogesh, 372
Payne, Cecilia, 236
Peebles, P. J. E., 367
Pele (volcanic vent), 153
of Earth’s shadow, 23
of Moon’s shadow, 24
of sunspots, 217
penumbral lunar eclipse, 22, 23
Penzias, Arno, 368, 371
perihelion, 75
period-luminosity relations, 329
for Cepheid and RR variables, 304–305
Perlmutter, Saul, 377
Perseus Arm, 311
Peru-Chile Trench, 127
PG 0052+251 (quasar), 348
PG 1012+008 (quasar), 348
Phoenix Mars Lander, 160, 162
phosphorus, 97
photon emission, 45–46
photons, 43–44
cosmic microwave background, 369
photosphere, 212–213, 214
see also sunspots
photosynthesis, 118
phytoplankton, 132
Pickering, E. C., 235
Pillan Patera (volcanic vent), 153
Pioneer 10, 170, 203
Pioneer 11, 171, 182, 203
pixels, 57
plane of the ecliptic, 89
planet, 88
planetary nebulae, 269–271, 273
emission line spectra, 46, 47
properties of, 270–271
planetary orbits
ellipses, 74
planetesimals, 103, 104
planets, 76
apparent motion of, 69
atmospheres and chemical composition, 92–93
characteristics of, 6, 98–99
chemical composition of, 92–95
elongation of, 70
formation of, 102–104
orbital data, 71, 88–89, A-1
orbits and configurations of, 70
orbits of and gravitation, 79–80
periods of, 71
physical properties of, 89–91, A-1
retrograde rotation of, 68
sidereal periods of, 71, 76
size of and cratering, 144
synodic periods of, 71
transiting, 107
see also dwarf planets; extrasolar planets; inner planets; outer planets
solar atmosphere, 218
of Sun, 370
universe, 370
plastic material, 125
plate tectonics, 125–128, 150
Pleiades, 259
Pleione (star), 246
Pluto, 88, 96
pointer stars, 12
polar ice
and global warming, 136
Polaris (North Star), 7, 8, 13, 64, 228
Population I (metal-rich) stars, 262, 307, 308
Population II (metal-poor) stars, 262, 307, 308
in protogalaxies, 352
powers of ten, 66, A-8–A-9
primary mirror, 52
prism, 35–36
Procyon, 233, A-6
Prometheus (moon), 181
Prometheus volcano (Io), 152
proplyds, see protoplanetary disks
protogalaxy, 352, 353
proton-proton chain, 207, 208
protoplanetary disks (proplyds), 101, 105, 256
protoplanets, 103, 104
evolution of, 254–256
protosun, 100, 104
Proxima Centauri, 66, 230
PSR 0329+54, 287
Ptolemaic system, 68–69, 72, 73
Ptolemy, 68
pulsars, 6, 280, 285, 287–288
quasars, 347–348
black holes in, 351
quasi-stellar objects, see quasars
radial velocity method, 108–109
defined, 36–37
in universe, 369
radiative diffusion, 210, 211
radiative zone, 211, 212
radio emissions, 346–347
radio-quiet quasars, 347
radio searches
for alien civilizations, 199, 200–201
radio stations
frequencies of, 38
radio telescopes, 197
radio waves, 37
rain forests, 133
Reber, Grote, 346
recessional velocity
and Hubble law, 361, 363–364
of universe, 376
recombination, 370
see also era of recombination
red dwarfs, 238, 261–262, 272
end of life of, 263
hydrogen fusion in, 263
mass loss, 264
red giant stars, 243, 273, 280
evolution of, 267
formation of, 259–260
helium fusion, 262, 264–267
in Milky Way, 308
red light, 48
red stars, 227, 228, 234–235
in spiral galaxies, 331
redshift, cosmological, 364–365
reflecting telescopes, 52–54
reflection, 17
reflection nebula, 254
refracting telescopes, 51–52, 53
regular cluster of galaxies, 338
relativity, general theory of
and black holes, 289
relativity, special theory of, 34, 206
respiration, 119
retrograde rotation, 67, 68, 69–70
rift valleys
on Mars, 150
Rigel, 240, 243
ring particles
of Saturn, 181, 182
Roche, Edouard, 181
Roche limit, 181
melting temperature of, 125
Roman Catholic Church
and Galileo, 74
Roman mythology
and Milky Way, 302
Rømer, Olaus, 34
Röntgen, Wilhelm 37
ROSAT observatory, 57
Roswell, New Mexico, 197
rotation curves, 313
Andromeda, 350–351
of galaxies, 344
RR Lyrae variables, 305
RS Ophiuchi (star), 296–297
runaway greenhouse effect, 156
runaway helium fusion, 270
runaway icehouse effect, 157
rupes, see scarps
Russell, Henry Norris, 242
S (transverse) waves, 123–124
Sa galaxies, 331–332
Sagan, Carl, 44
Sagittarius (the Archer), 57, 254
Sagittarius A, 346
Sagittarius A+, 320–322
Sagittarius Arm, 311
Sagittarius constellation, 346
globular clusters, 305
Saha, Meghnad, 236
Salam, Abdus, 372
salt water
on Earth, 116
San Andreas fault, 128
sand dunes
on Mars, 195
on Titan, 178
Sandage, Allan, 347
Saturn, 76, 168
atmosphere of, 169–170, 172, 177
average density of, 91, 169
belts and zones of, 168, 169
characteristics of, 99
clouds of, 172
composition of, 169–170
interior, 177
internal structure of, 170
moons of, 91, A-3–A-4
observing, 168–169
orbital data, 71, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
rotation period of, 169
storms on, 167
surface, 177
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures of, 172
Saturn ring system, 168, 179–182
Saturn-Sun distance, 71
Sb galaxies, 331, 332
SBa galaxies, 332
SBb galaxies, 332
SBc galaxies, 332
Sc galaxies, 331, 332
on Mercury, 146
Schmidt, Brian, 377
Schmidt, Maarten, 347
Schwarzschild, Karl, 290
Schwarzschild radius, 290
scientific methods, 2–3
Scutum-Centaurus Arm, 311
seafloor spreading, 126, 127
search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI), 197, 200
on Earth, 13–17
secondary mirrors, 52
self-propagating star-formation model, 318–319
semimajor axis
of an ellipse, 74, 76
of planets, A-1
September equinox, 16
SERENDIP IV (Search for Extraterrestrial Radio Emission from Nearby, Developed, Intelligent Populations), 200
Serpens constellation, 340
SETI Institute, 200
SETI@home, 200
shadow zone (Earth), 124
Shapley, Harlow, 305, 328–329
Shapley-Curtis debate, 329, 330
shell fusion, 281–282
shell helium fusion, 268
Shergotty (meteorite), 196
shield volcanoes, 151
shock waves
core-collapse supernovae, 282–283
from impacts on Moon, 143
SN 1987A, 285
of supernovae, 257, 258
Shoemaker, Eugene, 153
short-range forces, 372
Shu, Frank, 316
sidereal month, 20–21
sidereal period, 71, 76, A-1
Sierras, 127
from supernovae, 295
in universe, 97
silicon fusion 281–282
singularity (of black hole), 290
Sirius (α Canis Major), 7, 168, 231, 232, 233, 239, 272, A-6
temperature and energy flux, 45
Sirius B, 239, 243, 272, A-6
61 Cygni, 230, A-6
skin cancer, 134
blue color of, 48
slash-and-burn process, 133
Sloan Digital Sky Survey, 339
Small Magellanic Cloud, 281
SMC N76, 281
Smith, Bradford, 153
SN 2005cs, 284
SNC meteorites, 196
SO-16 (star), 320–321
SOHO spacecraft, 221
Sojourner rover, 160–161
solar constant, 44
solar corona, 24
Solar Dynamics Observatory, 216
solar eclipses, 21, 22–23, 24, 25–26
in 2014–2018, 26
number of occurrences of, 22–23
solar energy, 206–211
and Earth’s atmosphere, 121, 122
movement out from solar interior, 207–212
in summer and winter, 14
transport of, 210–211
solar flares, 221
solar granulation, 213
solar luminosity, 207, 211
solar nebula, 100–102
elements in, 102
formation of protoplanets, 103, 104
magnetic fields of, 104
temperatures in, 102
solar nebular hypothesis, 100
solar prominences, 221
solar radius, 210–211
solar system, 5, 6
age of, 366
defined, 88, 89
evolution of, 104–105
formation of, 100–105, 106
moons of, 91–92
solar ultraviolet radiation, 120, 134
solar wind, 105, 130–131, 216
solstices, 15,
sound waves
Doppler effect for, 49–50
South American plate, 127
south celestial sphere, 12, 13
Southern Cross (Crux), 7, 12
Southern Crown (Corona Australis), 254
southern lights (aurora australis), 131
southern solstice, 15, 16
Space Infrared Telescope Facility, 56
and black holes, 289, 290
spectral classes, 235–237
spectral lines, 49
spectral types, 235–236
spectroscopic parallax, 246–247
spectroscopy, 49
and determining chemical composition, 92–93
spectrum (plural, spectra), 35
see also continuous spectrum; electromagnetic spectrum; emission line spectrum
speed, 77
Spica, 7, 234
spicules, 214–215
spin (angular momentum), 309
spin-flip transition, 309
spiral arms, 308, 310, 311, 318
of barred spirals, 332
density-wave model, 315–316, 317, 318
Milky Way, 309–311, 318
spiral (S) galaxies, 310, 318, 328, 331–332, 334
formation of, 352, 353
rotation curves of, 344
spiral nebulae, 328
Spirit rover, 195
Spitzer Infrared Space Telescope, 56, 257, 258, 260, 292, 307, 311
spring (season), 15
standard candles, 335
star formation, 252–258, 328
density-wave model, 317
in protogalaxies, 352
self-propagating, 318–319
in spiral galaxies, 331
starburst galaxies, 340–341
Starobinsky, Alexei, 371
stars, 5, 6, 228
absolute magnitude of, 232
apparent magnitudes of, 232
apparent motion of, 13
artificial, 54
asymptotic giant-branch, 268–269
calculating radii of, 238
circumpolar, 11, 12
colors of, 234–235
daily motion of, 8–9
determining size from spectra, 239–240
and Earth’s rotation, 9
elements expelled from 97–100
end-states of, 280
and galaxy collisions, 340
from giants to white dwarfs, 240, 273
horizontal-branch, 268, 269
from main sequence to red giant lifetime, 263–269
iron core of, 281, 282
luminosity of, 43, 232, 233–234
main sequence, 242–243, 245
main-sequence lifetime, 258, 260–263
mass-loss phase, 262, 263
masses of, 240–242
measuring distances to, 228–230
metal poor and metal rich, 262
nearest, A-6
redshifts and blueshifts of, 50
surface temperatures, 236–237, 239
temperatures of and color, 234–235
visually brightest, A-7
wobble of, 107–108
see also high-mass stars; neutron stars; O and B stars; Population I stars; Population II stars; red giant stars; and entries under stellar
Stefan-Boltzmann constant, 238, 239
Stefan-Boltzmann law, 43, 44–45, 121, 238
stellar brightness, see apparent magnitude scale
stellar distances, 66
stellar evolution, 252, 269
stellar masses, 244, 245
stellar nurseries
dark nebulae, 254
and supernova remnants, 257
stellar parallax, 228–230
stellar radii, 239
stellar spectra, 235–237
absorption lines, 237, 239–240
and surface temperature, 236–237
stellar winds
and mass loss from supergiant, 281
and star formation, 257–258
Great Red Spot, 168, 171
on Jupiter, 88
on Neptune, 175
stratosphere, 119, 120, 129
strong nuclear force, 372–373
subduction zone, 127
sulfur compounds
on Venus, 153–155
sulfur dioxide snow, 153
sulfuric acid
Venus’s clouds, 157
summer, 14
summer solstice, see northern solstice
summer triangle, 8
Sun, 5, 6, 205, 206
absolute magnitude, 232
apparent magnitude, 232
atmosphere of, 213, 214, 215
birth of and solar nebular hypothesis, 100–102
chromosphere, 214–215
composition of, 238
corona, 214, 215–216, 221
data table, 222
diameter of, 65
early composition of, 260, 261
energy flux of, 44
evolution of, 270
helium fusion, 265
hydrogen fusion, 265, 267
interior of, 211, 212, 220
light from, 17
luminosity of, 44, 232
magnetic field arches, 220
magnetic fields of, 218–222
main-sequence lifetime to end of, 274, 275
mass of, 78
modeling of, 210–211
movement on celestial sphere, 14, 15
orbital motion of, 313
photosphere, 212–213
polarity pattern, 218–219
as Population I star, 262
rotation of, 217, 219–220
temperatures of, 42, 44, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216
wavelength of maximum emission, 44
wobble of, 107–108
see also entries under solar
colors of, 35, 36
intensity of, 121, 122
spectrum of and Doppler shifts, 50
sunrises and sunsets, 48
sunspot cycle, 217–219, 220
sunspot maximum, 217, 218
sunspot minimum, 217, 218
sunspots, 216–220
latitudes of, 218
magnetic fields of, 217–219, 220, 221
superclusters (of galaxies), 338–339, 369
supercontinents, 126, 127–128
supergiant stars, 240, 243
evolution of, 281–282
mass loss from, 281
Milky Way, 308
supergranules, 213
superior conjunction, 70
superior planets
orbits and configurations of, 70
supermassive black holes, 292–293, 350
Milky Way, 302, 321–322
Supernova (SN) 1987A, 284–285
Supernova Cosmology Project, 377
supernova of 1054, 286
supernova remnants, 257, 285–286
supernovae, 5, 6, 97, 280, 281, 293, 359, 360
brightness increases and declines, 295
Hubble diagram for, 377
luminosity of, 284
and star formation, 257
see also core-collapse supernovae
surface waves, 123
SWIFT orbiting telescope, 335
Syene, Egypt, 64, 65
synchronous rotation
of Moon, 20
synodic month, 20–21
synodic period, 71, A-1
T Tauri (protostar), 255
T Tauri stars, 105, 255, 256
T Tauri wind, 104–105
Tarantula Nebula, 284
Tau Ceti, 197, A-6
Taurus (the Bull), 8
in science, 4–5
tectonic plates, 128
telescopes, 4–5, 50–59
light-gathering power of, 50–51, 53
and light, 38–43
temperature scales, 39
Terrestrial Planet Finder, 199
terrestrial planets, see Earth; inner planets; Mars; Mercury; Venus
atmospheres of, 155–159
terrestrial worlds
craters on, 143–147
Tethys Ocean, 126
Thales of Miletus, 26
Tharsis rise (Mars), 149–150, 152
theory, 3–4
theory of everything (TOE), 373
thermal equilibrium, 209
thermal pulses, 270, 273
thermal vents, 189
thermonuclear fusion, 207
thermonuclear supernova, see Type Ia supernovae
thermonuclear synthesis, 367
thermosphere, 119, 120–121, 129
Third Cambridge (3C) Catalogue, 347
third quarter moon, 18
3C 48, 347
3C 273, 347
tidal forces
and galaxy collisions, 342, 343
Titan (Saturn moon), 92, 176–178
atmosphere of, 93, 178
water on, 116
water ice on, 178
titanium oxide, 237
total lunar eclipses, 22, 24
total solar eclipses, 24, 25
totality, 23
TRACE (Transition Region and Coronal Explorer), 221
transit, 107, 199
transit method, 107
transiting planets, 107
trans-Neptunian objects (TNOs), 6, 96
moons of, 91
Trapezium, 40, 253
Triangulum constellation quasar, 348
triple alpha process, 265
Triton (Neptune moon), 92, 179
ice on, 179
Tropic of Cancer, 16, 17
Tropic of Capricorn, 16, 17
troposphere, 119–120, 129
Trumpler, Robert J., 302
tube worms, 189
Tully, Brent, 336
Tully-Fisher relation, 336
tuning fork diagram of galaxies, 334
21-cm radio emission, 309–310
22-year solar cycle, 219
Two Degree Field Galactic Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), 339–340
2MASS (Two-Micron All-Sky Survey), 339
Type I (metal-rich) Cepheids, 329
Type I supernovae, 293
Type Ia supernovae, 293–295
and ancient expansion of universe, 377
as distance indicators, 330
luminosity decline in, 295
as standard candles, 335
Type Ib supernovae, 293
Type Ic supernovae, 293
Type II (metal-poor) Cepheids, 329
Type II supernovae, 293, 295
Tyson, J. Anthony, 345
Uhuru X-ray–detecting satellite, 292
ultraviolet (UV) light, 38, 43
ultraviolet radiation
from SN 1987A, 285
of Earth’s shadow, 23
of Moon’s shadow, 24
of sunspots, 217
UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 136
universal constant of gravitation, 80
acceleration of, 375–378
age of, 365–366
curvature of, 373–375
dark-energy–dominated, 378
expanding, 360, 361–365
expansion history, 375–377
expansion rate of, 375
isotropic and homogeneous, 365
matter-dominated, 369
nonuniformities in early, 370–371
observable, 366, 367
radiation and matter in, 369
radiation-dominated, 369
shape of, 373–375
Uranus, 76, 168
atmosphere of, 173–174, 177
brightness of, 67
characteristics of, 99
formation of, 104
ice on, 175
interior of, 176, 177
moons of, 91, A-3
orbital data of, A-1
physical properties of, 90, A-1
rings of, 183–184
surface of, 177
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
water on, 176
winds on, 174
Uranus-Sun distance, 71
Ursa Major constellation 7, 341
V838 Monocerotis (protostar), 254, 255
Valles Marineris (Mars), 150
Veil Nebula, 285, 286
velocity, 77
Venus, 76, 142, 143
atmosphere of, 118, 155, 156–157, 158
brightness of, 67
characteristics of, 98
clouds of, 88, 157
convection currents on, 149
craters on, 146, 149
crust of, 148–149
flake tectonics on, 149
orbital data of, 75, A-1
phases of, 72, 73
physical properties of, 90, A-1
rotation of, 50
sulfur compounds on, 153–155, 157
surface of, 147, 154
synodic and sidereal periods of, 71
temperatures on, 156, 157
topographic map of, 148
volcanoes on, 151–155
water on, 155, 156–157
wind speeds on, 157
Venus-Sun distance, 71
vernal equinox, see March equinox
Very Large Telescope (VLT), 241, 292
Vesta, 95
Viking Landers 1 and 2, 148, 159
Virgo (the Virgin), 7
Virgo cluster (of galaxies), 333, 338
visible light, 37–38
and temperature, 39–40
wavelength and frequency of, 38
voids, 339, 340
on Earth, 151
on Io, 92
on Mars, 146, 147, 151–155
and plate boundaries, 127
in solar system, 88
on Venus, 151–155
Voyager 1, 152, 153, 171, 182
Voyager 2, 168, 169, 171, 173–175, 179, 182, 183
W Ursae Majoris, 296
waning gibbous moon, 18
on Earth, 116–118, 155
on Europa, 92, 116, 192–193
and life, 192–193
on Mars, 155, 159, 160–162
on Neptune, 176
properties of, 117–118
searches for, 159–164
on Titan, 116
on Uranus, 176
on Venus, 155, 156–157
water hole, 200
water ice, 92, 94
on Europa, 93, 94
on Mars, 155, 159, 160–162, 194–196
on Moon, 145
Saturn’s rings, 181
on Titan, 178
water vapor
on Earth, 117, 118
and life, 199
water waves, 36
watt (W), 43
and frequency, 38
of light, 37
wavelength of maximum emission, 42, 44
wavelength shift, 49, 50
waxing crescent moon, 17
waxing gibbous moon, 18
weak nuclear force, 372–373
weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), 315
and telescopes, 55–56
Wegener, Alfred, 126
weight, 78
Whirlpool Galaxy (M51), 328, 331
star formation in, 317
supernova SN 2005cs, 284
white dwarfs, 240, 243–244, 246, 280
carbon fusion, 294
evolutionary tracks of, 273
formation of, 272
properties of, 272–275
and Type Ia supernovae, 293–295
white light, 35–36, 48
white oval, 171
Wien, Wilhelm, 41
Wien’s law, 41–42, 44–45, 121
Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), 371, 375
Wilkinson, David, 371
William of Occam, 69
Wilson, Robert, 368, 371
WIMPs, see weakly interacting massive particles
winding dilemma, 315–316
in Earth’s atmosphere, 55
winter, 14
winter solstice, see southern solstice
winter triangle, 8
Wolf Star (Sirius), 302, A-6
X-ray bursters, 297
X-ray emissions
and black holes, 292, 293
in clusters of galaxies, 344
X-ray flares, 321
X-ray sources
galaxy collisions, 340
X-ray telescopes, 56
X-rays, 37, 38
xenon, 173
XZ Tau, 256
Yang Wei-T’e, 286
yellow stars, 227, 228, 234
Yellowstone National Park
geothermal vents, 194–195
Young, Thomas, 36
Zamama volcano (Io), 152
Zeeman, Pieter, 218
Zeeman effect, 218
zones, see belts and zones