Right! White is actually used to represent hydrogen on the graph; green is used to represent "other" elements. Good job!
No. Try again.
{"title":"Red/oxygen","description":"No. Red is used to depict oxygen, which makes up 65% of the body's composition. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#ff0000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"circle\",\"coords\":\"158,90,36\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"86,131,234,286\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"249,159,355,186\"}]"}{"title":"Gray/carbon","description":"No. Gray represents carbon, which makes up 18.5% of the body's composition. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#c0c0c0","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"254,310,360,337\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"88,289,234,356\"}]"}{"title":"White/hydrogen","description":"No. White represents hydrogen, which makes up 9.5% of the body's composition. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#ffcc99","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"253,359,359,386\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"89,356,235,389\"}]"}{"title":"Blue/nitrogen","description":"No. Blue represents nitrogen, which makes up 3% of the body's composition. Try again.","type":"incorrect","color":"#0000ff","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"254,390,360,406\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"89,392,235,402\"}]"}{"title":"Green/other","description":"Right! Calcium is one of the \"other\" elements, represented by the color green on our graph, that make up about 4% of the human body. Good job!","type":"correct","color":"#008000","code":"[{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"124,430,379,480\"},{\"shape\":\"rect\",\"coords\":\"90,405,236,422\"}]"}GG78cOeG9RDekWdeWPI6dlTMCt35/cWz4DAa/SQJw/laAT5w8CEbDa0w4CQ2GrMIdm0NKXcrcMG61w0u42LxtJAc/bFxFe6D6RkyQKv0NaKBX4W4gKeZp+1p4jkxck529u5c0C8TZS8=
Right! White is actually used to represent hydrogen on the graph; green is used to represent "other" elements. Good job!
Right! Since carbon comprises 18.5% of the body and oxygen comprises 65% of the body, in a 100 gram sample, you'd find 18.5 g of carbon and 65 g of oxygen. Good work!
Yes. Calcium, potassium, sulfur, and chlorine, along with phosphorus and sodium, are grouped in the "other" elements. Together, these six elements make up 4% of the human body.
Exactly! Although we can't tell exactly what percentage of the body is composed of iron, we can infer that iron is probably one of the 15 trace elements in the body, and therefore makes up less than 0.1%.