Synonyms connect ideas.

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In addition to word repetition, you can use synonyms, words with identical or very similar meanings, to connect important ideas. In the following example, the author develops a careful chain of synonyms and word repetitions:

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Over time, small bits of knowledge about a region accumulate among local residents in the form of stories . These are remembered in the community; even what is unusual does not become lost and therefore irrelevant. These narratives comprise for a native an intricate, long-term view of a particular landscape. . . . Outside the region this complex but easily shared “reality” is hard to get across without reducing it to generalities, to misleading or imprecise abstraction.

—BARRY LOPEZ, Arctic Dreams

Synonym sequences:

region, particular landscape

local residents, native

stories, narratives

are remembered, does not become lost

intricate, . . . view, complex . . . “reality”

The result is a coherent paragraph that constantly reinforces the author’s point.