Use the basic features.

A Clear, Logical Organization: Narrating an Extended Period

Printed Page 85

For more on time markers, see pp. 62–63 and Chapter 14, pp. 561–66.

Some profile writers do field research, observing and interviewing over an extended period of time. As an immersive journalist, Thompson spent more than two months as a member of one crew. To give readers a sense of the chronology of events, he uses time markers (such as calendar and clock time, transitions like next, and prepositional phrases such as on my first day). These cues are especially useful because Thompson’s narrative does not always follow a straightforward chronology.


Write a few paragraphs analyzing Thompson’s use of time markers and process narration in “A Gringo in the Lettuce Fields”:

  1. Skim the profile, highlighting the time markers. Why do you imagine Thompson decided not to follow a linear chronology? How well does he use time markers to keep readers from becoming confused?
  2. For more on process narration, see Chapter 14.

    Why do you think Thompson devotes so much space (pars. 6–12) to narrating the process of cutting lettuce? What does this detailed depiction provide to readers?


    undefined. ANALYZE & WRITE