David McCandless, InformationIsBeautiful.net: The Global Warming Skeptics vs. the Scientific Consensus

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David McCandless, InformationIsBeautiful.net The Global Warming Skeptics vs. the Scientific Consensus

This graphic was created by information designer David McCandless, who writes, “I’m interested in how designed information can help us understand the world, cut through BS, and reveal the hidden connections, patterns, and stories underneath.” In the graphic, McCandless aims to present a balanced, point-by-point picture of the debate over global warming.

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Graphic: “The Global Warming Skeptics vs. The Scientific Consensus” from THE VISUAL MISCELLANEUM by DAVID MCCANDLESS. COPYRIGHT © 2009 BY DAVID MCCANDLESS. Used by permission of HarperCollins Publisher.

Source: McCandless, David. “The Global Warming Skeptics vs. the Scientific Consensus.” Information Is Beautiful: Ideas, Issues, Knowledge, Data--Visualized. InformationIsBeautiful.net, Deb. 2009. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. www.informationisbeautiful.net/visualizations/climate-change-deniers-vs-the-consensus/.