Public Service Announcements
Reasoned arguments about controversial issues appear every day in classrooms, but they also appear in newspaper editorials, blogs, and sometimes even in advertisements. Consider, for example, the public service announcement (PSA) reproduced here.
Using a single image and relatively few words, this PSA makes a surprisingly effective argument: Even a couple of beers can be a recipe for disaster, given the right conditions, so don’t drink and drive. The appealing visual, the familiar recipe format, and the use of realistic language expressing a seemingly moderate perspective (“It’s only another beer”; “just a few”) reach out to average adults, who likely do not think of themselves as reckless or irresponsible, and remind them that it can be a short step from an ordinary evening relaxing with coworkers to a catastrophic accident.
U.S. Department of Transportation/National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
Source: “The ‘It’s Only Another Beer’ Black and Tan.” U.S. Dept. of Transportation and The Ad Council, n.d. Web. 20 Sept. 2012. Driving Prevention/Assets/Newspaper/BW blacktan 11.5 x 21 J.pdf.