Use the basic features.

A Well-Argued Solution: Contrasting the Actual and the Possible

E-Page 62

Often, proposal writers claim that a particular solution is a good idea because it has certain benefits. Youngerman presents the benefits of his solution by encouraging readers to see Sanford, Florida, as a pedestrian-unfriendly (and ultimately deadly) landscape and by helping readers imagine a better-designed version of the same neighborhood.

Printed Page 2064


Write a paragraph or two analyzing Youngerman’s argument for his solution:

  1. Skim the description of the real neighborhood in paragraphs 3–4, and compare it with the description of the imagined neighborhood in paragraphs 9–10.
  2. Consider how (and whether) these contrasting descriptions help Youngerman support his proposed solution. Consider, too, whether Youngerman’s proposed changes to neighborhood design seem feasible. What additional information, if any, would you need to make this determination?


    undefined. ANALYZE & WRITE