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A Well-Presented Subject: Deciding How Much to Tell Readers

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As a game reviewer, Boxer is in a rhetorical situation very much like that of a film reviewer, who needs to describe what the film is about without giving away too much and ruining the fun.


Write a few paragraphs analyzing and evaluating the descriptive details Boxer provides about the game:

  1. Skim paragraphs 2 and 5–10, highlighting the details Boxer uses to describe the game—for example, setting, characters, and action.
  2. From the perspective of someone considering whether to buy the game, which of these details seem likely to be helpful, and which seem unnecessary? What, if anything, does Boxer leave out of his description that you think a reader would want to know in order to make a decision?
  3. Given your analysis, what can you conclude about the amount and kind of descriptive detail game and film reviewers should include in their reviews?


    undefined. ANALYZE & WRITE