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A Well-Presented Subject: Using Examples

Printed Page 431

Giving one or more brief examples can be a quick and effective way to help readers grasp the subject. Sheila McClain opens her essay with several examples to illustrate the pervasiveness of the fitness culture, such as infomercials advertising exercise machines and the popular Wii Fit exercise game (par. 1). Similarly, Stephen King names a couple of classic horror films—Die, Monster, Die! and Dawn of the Dead—to inspire readers to think of their own favorites.


Write a couple of paragraphs analyzing and evaluating how Goode uses examples to present her subject:

  1. Skim paragraph 1 to highlight the examples of food Goode lists. What do her descriptions of these foods have in common?
  2. Examine the visual headed “More Food, More Choices, More Eating” on page 428. How do these vivid pictorial examples help Goode present her subject?


    undefined. ANALYZE & WRITE